Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

September 28, 2009 - October 4, 2009


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You appear busy and productive near the 28/29th. Members may be very reasonable, willing and accepting. This is the perfect time to discuss change or introduce issues where cooperation is needed, especially with in-laws, spouse, ex's or extended family. A long talk near the 30th may fix a new or recent problem and prevent it from 'growing.' An emotional issue near the 1st may have you 'hopeful,' the 2nd but you need to focus and make sure you 'follow through' on it by the 3rd. A rather challenging 4th is possible and loss, including deaths in the family, a short fuse and 'old issues from the past' that tend to 'set you off,' appear likely explanations for the 'challenge.'

Love Horoscope

Romance tends to be solid this week and a love interest may surprise you with just how cooperative, supportive and understanding they can be. IF you have had 'doubts,' and been 'loathing the thought' of sharing or telling a partner something, the 29th to 3rd may be the best window of opportunity to get is delivered right. Single Juggers do well until the 4th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends may be slightly 'disappointing' this week or exhibit behavior that 'lets you down,' in some way, especially near the later hours of the 3rd to the early AM of the 5th. Experiencing a 'loss' of some kind is possible this week and having the love and support of multiple friends may be priceless.

Career Highlights

Here is one area where 'squeaky clean luck,' should shin through any other 'dimming areas,' of your life. Most of you will have very progressive weeks with improved cooperation and accomplishment. Expansion is likely and power people are accommodating, especially in financial issues. A small last minute scramble is possible near the 1st, but is more likely for Totters who must work 'over the weekend.'


Very good

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Clear until the 4th.

Karma Numbers:

9, 16, 25, 51, 74

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get control of your moods. Participate in sports events that will test your endurance. You should try to spend time with those who can help lift your spirits. You need some intellectual interaction. Your partner will be in need of special attention, as well. Communication will help your relationship, greatly. Concentrate on projects that involve your living quarters or innovative investments. Travel will be conducive to meeting new love interests. Listen to others and you will be sure to obtain valuable information. Don't let employers interfere with your plans. They may try to take credit for your efforts. Don't make statements unless you have all the pertinent information on hand. You may be questioned and made to look foolish if you haven't done your research. Read more...

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