Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

December 27, 2010 - January 2, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Ok, OK! There are going to be more 'needs' than solutions or ability to fulfill BUT, your creative and practical side can not only keep you AND them 'calm and focused' it can drum up all the necessary insights to solve 'on the spot' and 'on a shoe string.' You appear to 'quell warring factors' the 27th to 29th and reestablish 'peace.' Then you are able to 'talk them down' from almost ANY threat, challenge or emotional tree top the 29/30th. By the 31st, you are rendering 'practical and economical decisions' to make it 'all come together' for even what may seem 'the impossible' at the time. It's no wonder your stars show you need to back off, relax and have some greedy 'me time' the 1/2nd.

Love Horoscope

The 'less said the better' in romance this week unless it becomes 'painfully clear' that you must either address and issue or risk 'loss.' IF you have not 'personally decided yet' it would be best to wait until you are 110% confident you are 'ready for any next step/commitment levels.' A long talk near the 30th may be you and a partner fixing some 'older and/or highly volatile' topic or challenge, especially IF Cancer, other Caps, Scorpio, Gemini or Virgo are involved. By the 2nd, almost ANY challenge appears 'put to bed' successfully. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends gather for a variety of reasons with holiday celebrations, travel, mile stone events and announcements likely catalysts. Your involvement may be required to not only 'join in' and enjoy but to 'serve' in some way. For those of you who 'serve' expense is likely to go on the rise, especially if weddings are involved. Your 'special day' could get swept under the carpet OR, actually MAY get 'forgotten' by some and you'll have to be understanding AND forgiving. You really didn't want all that fuss anyway, did you? And just think how mortified they'll be when they remember? Now don't you feel 'sorry' for them? If you think 'make up sex' is enjoyable, wait for 'make up' birthday forgetfulness!

Career Highlights

It may be about some 'last minute hustle' like making hay while the sun shines or the snow has fallen OR, it could be focused around 'end of the year duties and needs' but whatever the 'timing is' in your part of the world or your career/job arena, chances are you will called upon this week to serve, solve, save and rescue! Self employed or commission based Sea Goats may find a very 'valuable piece of info' falls to them near the 29th to 31st and can be HUGE in scope, profit, power or opportunity.


Promising, big time!

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Seeing 'the humor' in the panicked, need of others.

Karma Numbers:

3, 8, 20, 38, 83, especially 1983.

Buzz Words:

Dependable, responsible

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to look at situations logically. Your insight will allow you to make constructive suggestions. Your creative talent needs an outlet. Be prepared to show your work, you will get support. Someone who is trying to make you look bad will misinterpret your words. Be careful. Don't get involved with a person who is already committed to someone else. One-sided attractions will be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Deception will cause confusion. If you bend over backward to help friends in need, you will enhance your reputation. Don't be too demanding or negative with youngsters. You tend to want the best for everyone you love. Your desires may lead to isolation or retaliation. Read more...

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