Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

December 26, 2011 - January 1, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your 'challenges' are not over yet, especially for Twins who tend to have things happen 'in pairs' or worse yet 'in threes'. Those of you who took spending 'hits' through later Nov into later Dec may now face 'new spending' in the form of prevention, appeasement and basic requirements that can NOT be escaped. Trends lift near 1/6/12, but not before draining your patience and leaving you 'touchy' or temperamental the 1st.

Love Horoscope

Taking something 'away from yourself' unintentionally MAY be a viable threat this week near the 26/27th IF you fail to 'keep your promise' especially about anything that relates to later Jan, Valentine's Day, to later Feb. Your tongue may 'dig your grave' near the 1st if it is not controlled. New love opportunities may 'spring' out of the 30th to 1st as some single Twins take a 'serious match' into 2012 that they will eventually 'commit to'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Big change is in the wind for some Twins and that may unfold in friendship dynamics as old pals migrate on, up or away and new ones migrate IN near the 27th, 29th and 31st. It would serve you well to 'listen to the heartfelt warning' from a pal near the 29th to 1st.

Career Highlights

You may have invest a lot of time, money or effort into the 26th to 28th and then 'dangle for results' until as far out as the 5/6th, later Jan or even the end of May to mid Aug, but success and profit ARE likely, although for a small cross section of you, it may 'fall short' of your expectations. Control your 'reaction time' carefully near the 27th, 29th and 1st; one site or off.


Promising but requiring investment

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Quick; possibly TOO quick at times; control it! It isn't speed that counts this week; it's control.

Karma Numbers:

2, 4, 6, 19, 42

Buzz Words:

Don't 'cut your nose just to spike your face'.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by changes in your financial situation. These changes should be able to help you decide which direction you want to take. Your friends will be there for you to lean on them, if need be. Others you deal with may be prone to erratic behavior, which may make you feel more rebellious than usual. Impractical ideas and unreliable communications can cause a strain in relationships. State your position clearly & try to understand others' positions. This may be a time of breakthrough and personal triumph. You may be delivering perfectly good ideas, but to the wrong audience. Polish up your presentation and find another group to focus on. Read more...

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