Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

June 20, 2011 - June 26, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Keep emotional issues as 'calm as possible' near the 21st to 23rd, especially IF Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini or Sagittarius are involved as there is a good chance 'not all facts are known' and dynamics can change quickly. Do NOT 'get between' members, especially in-laws, ex's, extended members or any 'fringe' relatives. A long discussion and a 'poor decision' are the likely outcomes of the 23rd; have no part in any challenging aspects of it. A mistake in spending near the 26th OR 'discussed' the 26th is something you may once again wish to,

Love Horoscope

Sexual love and passion may go on 'high burner' this week in more devoted relationships BUT, some newer ones may heat up a bit TOO quickly and setting the stage with that kind of passion can be interesting but may create its OWN set of problems, depending upon your age group. A long talk the AM of the 21st may be business but could be emotional for some Stingers, especially IF Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius or Capricorn is involved. This IS a great week for singles, especially IF you are just 'looking to get lucky'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Respect your own ESP and any/all ESP shared by your friends, especially about YOU this week! Insights may be very accurate and revealing, particularly the ones that are issued near the 21st to 23rd and the later hours of the 24th to early 26th. Invitations are likely but question ONE should be: can I 'afford' the time, money and effort away from career, family and love concerns.

Career Highlights

This can be a very productive AND profitable week but if you measure it by the 'amount of work/duty' brought to you, you may not have an accurate 'picture' in the long run. Your stars show a great deal of work, time, effort, requests, if not 'demands' are possible this week and the 'profit' from them may linger out into the future and most likely may not be 'seen' until into July in most cases. Respect authority, big time' the 23/24th and use any all 'schmoozing time' or opportunities afforded you the 25th as they can be HUGE!


Very impressive and has 'good potential

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Dedicated and focused

Karma Numbers:

6, 8, 19, 45, 96, especially 1996 and issues/people from it.

Buzz Words:

Invest in myself!

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get back on the horse that threw you off. You and only you know why you feel so pressured. Try to be a good host at home or a helpful guest while visiting. Don't allow pettiness turn into hasty words or rash decisions. The extra stress you feel may cause you to be more bull headed than usual. That could really cause someone close to you to get their feelings hurt. Emotional turmoil will result in more stress. Use your strong personality as a social anchor. Your charm will help keep them focused on the business at hand. Try your best to be a little more flexible and a little more tolerant of others and you'll feel more in tune with yourself. Positive thoughts can lead you to laughter instead of frowning at someone else's joke. Be true to your own feelings. Your purpose is to make other's lives more interesting. Take the time you need to analyse all of your options before closing a deal or proposing a new scheme. Allow others some time to get used to the idea first, before throwing any more curves. Read more...

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