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Birthdays for 6th of May

George Clooney1961Lexington Kentucky
Actor, son of talk show host Nick Clooney, TV series "E.R.", films "One Fine Day", "From Dusk Til Dawn", "Batman & Robin" 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Taurus
Willie Mays1931Westfield Alabama
Baseball player, during career won 4 National League homerun crowns 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Capricorn
Orson Welles1915Kenosha Wisconsin
Actor, worked on stage and films over 50 yrs, "War of the Worlds" on radio 1938, greatest film "Citizen Kane" 1941 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Gemini
Stewart Granger1913London England
Actor, tall, athletic, films include "King Solomon's Mines", married to Jean Simmons 1950-60 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Aquarius
Rudolph Valentino1895Castalleneta Italy
Actor, greatest Latin lover of silent screen, hypnotic eyes, films include "The Sheik", "Blood and Sand" 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Libra
Ernst Kirchner1880Aschaffenburg Germany
Artist, master of graphics, especially in woodcut, nervous breakdown when drafted by German army, committed suicide 1938 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Gemini
Amadeo P. Giannini1870San Jose California
Financier, founded the Bank of America, the world's largest commercial bank 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Taurus
Sigmund Freud1856Freiberg Germany
Psychologist, creator of psychoanalysis, he had 33 operations for jaw cancer but remained productive 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Scorpio
Robert Peary1856Cresson Pennsylvania
Rear Admiral, first person to reach North Pole, author 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Leo
Maximilian Robespierre1758Arras France
Symbol of French Revolution, small man, weak voice, arrested July 27 1794, attempted suicide, guillotined next day 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Aquarius

Horoscopes for this week

Ari | Tau | Gem | Can | Leo | Vir | Lib | Sco | Sag | Cap | Aqu | Pis

Daily Celebrity Birthdays

Famous Birthdays for Monday, 6th of May, 2024:

George Clooney (1961), Willie Mays (1931), Orson Welles (1915), Stewart Granger (1913), Rudolph Valentino (1895),...

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