Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

April 4, 2011 - April 10, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation may become very precious to you by the 7th as your stars show the 4th to 6th can 'weary you' with demands on your wallet and patience, especially from youth, in-laws or IF a spouse has been inconsiderate, demanding or thoughtless. Pointing it out tactfully is wiser than remaining silent, as it may only serve you build to the point where you 'blow' and make yourself 'look bad' when in fact, you are in the right! Sit them down and calmly explain your point of view; excellent times for such are: mid evening on the 4th and 5th and later morning on the 6th. By the 7th, you should have no need for such tactics and if you DO, and have dragged your feet, use mid morning and avoid the evening, opting to wait instead until any time on the 8th. You may have to 'scramble to accommodate' unexpected visitors the 9th OR, it may be you or members of your family who take quick trips or mad dashes out/about, sky rocketing spending.

Love Horoscope

Romance is NOT a smooth trip this week for the paired Totter with poor cooperation from the 4th to 6th and several chances for misunderstandings given Mercury retro but the good news is the week is dotted with good 'negotiation/explanation' times, listed in the Family Section. Jug Totters paired to Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini, Aries or Cancer may find it a tad more challenging, however, but if tact is used, success is likely. Single Aquarius shows excellent luck throughout the week with fortunate assistance from both the cosmos and networking pals near the later hours of the 4th, all day the 7/8th, the evening of the 9th and mid day the 10th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are indicated, especially near the 4th and 7/8th in career/day time encounters and the 9th on social excursions over the weekend, most likely through 'friend of a friend' contact and tend to be Libra, Aries, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and other Jug Totters. They may prove to be most helpful in career and 'shared hobbies/passions' and if single, could lead to romantic success. Search your network of friends this week and pick someone's brain who knows about energy 'flow' and how to correct when you feel 'up against' things.

Career Highlights

Minor logistical and financial challenges are possible near the 5th to 7th and may be due to reports, big case/duty loads, having to 'answer to' power people, entertain or showcase for them or be due to having been dumped with duty 'outside your normal or typical job description' for some reason. Your problem solving abilities and other 'treasured traits' that usually win your praise and attention appear to be more your cup of tea the 7th to 9th as 'the usual' is reinstated. Some of you may be rushing or working hard to get something 'massaged into place' for a 'big deal' or important goal that relates to the week of the 11th and it appears to go 'very well indeed'.


Slightly challenging early in the week and then much better.

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Slightly impatient at times but improved greatly after the 6th.

Karma Numbers:

2, 4, 6, 8, 11

Buzz Words:

Feng Shui Flow

Compatible Sign(s):

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to act on your emotions. Sometimes, you may be too quick to re-act, but this week, you're right to take a stance. Others are the same as always, but your perception of them will change radically. Be aware that your words and your actions will affect them greatly. You can probably talk your way out it, but everybody is watching to see the outcome. Stay calm and your confidence level will rise. Everybody wants security, but their concepts may be different than yours. Your job is to find some common ground and then to start from there. Call for a truce and really listen to others' opinions. Seek the help of those who want to be productive instead of destructive. Avoid miscommunications of any sort. You need to get focused on the realities that faces you. Read more...

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