Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

October 24, 2016 - October 30, 2016


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Details and spending on domestic needs and practical applications appear necessary the 24th to 26th and may have some of you running in circles... wearing your patience rather thin, however accomplishments to appear good. The 27th several local errands or some kind of short-range road trip appears likely, particularly through or for the needs of any spouse, Libra, Scorpio, Germany, Virgo Aries members.

Love Horoscope

Romance does show a few challenges this week and there may be a hoop or two for you to have to jump through, however overall everything does look very busy, rather productive, with excellent returns, and highly promising opportunities and likely upgrades, particularly near the 25th, 27th, late on the 29th and all day the 30th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends appear to have minor issues and may call upon you for a helping hand of some kind... and while it's possible this could be a financial or psychological request, it appears far more likely they just need a second pair of hands, help carrying, moving, sorting, lifting or dealing with some overwhelming project that needs your special organizational skills and your complication.

Career Highlights

Career drives this week do appear cooperative, however there are several signs of the zodiac having a rather bad week... some among them Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, a few Libra and the occasional Pisces. Interactions with these signs may require great patience, particularly near the 25th in the later hours of the day when convoluted changes are indicated and again later on the 28th when other power struggles or schedule changes appear likely. Be adaptable.


More stable for YOU, than many others!

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Don't get drawn in 'on the small crap'. SEE the 'big picture' in each view.

Karma Numbers:

3, 6, 11, 16, 66

Buzz Words:

Take the 'problem element out' of the picture; there's your solution looking you in the face.

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, Libra some Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to get away from reality, sometimes. You'll be ready to try anything that promises to bring you a little excitement. Travel and adventure will be your prime concern. Take care of all the fine details and you will receive the praise you are looking for. You should lay your cards on the table and let those you care about know where you stand. You can get ahead financially, however the emotional side of your life may be more difficult. You'll be able to organize functions at work and earn the admiration of higher ups. A raise or promotion may be in order. By week's end, do some research on the small business venture that you've been interested in. You may want to run your thoughts by someone you trust, who is in business for himself already. Lucky Numbers: 1, 10, 20, 24, 32, 33 Read more...

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