Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

October 6, 2014 - October 12, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Push to finish all projects the 6th and then 'back off' as your stars show very vulnerable days the 7th to 9th and the 8th is just the worst with mistakes, illness, injury, falls, head bumping to concussion, headache, eyes, eyestrain and drop/break. Once past the 9th, your week changes like a total 180 and you may find cooperation improving drastically, with the exception of early AM hours on the 11th; it appears another member may be ill or vulnerable and you will have to 'jump in and take over' losing your 'typical Saturday' morning.

Love Horoscope

OH BOY... there are sooooooooooo many great little windows this week and ONE BIG ONE that you are sure to find a candidate, even if you are in your 80's!! There are stunning possibilities out there this week and they ARE 'life long' in potential IF handled right. Much may result from the evening of the 6th, mid day the 8th, late on the 9th, later afternoon the 10th, and all day the 12th. Perfect 'harmony' peace and 'just right' items are likely to almost 'fall in your lap'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Always trying too do so much for your pals? Always sacrificing? Always treating them like kings/queens? Always putting them first? Always thinking of them when you are away from them? Always 'trying' -- I say 'TRYING' so hard? Maybe you try TOO hard and that is the problem; the ONLY problem. Back off after kindly and tactfully telling someone that you 'see the error of your ways'. They will get it once the goodie-train leaves town!

Career Highlights

Make each day count and take EACH day 'one by one' and on its own merit. While there may be no problems to speak of the 6th, the 7th may make up for it, especially when the 'finger of blame' points at you. Fix it and say nothing 'at this time'. A very FULL and demanding day with some 'odd interruptions' is indicated for the 8th. The 9th, today you make comments on all things fair or unfair from the 6th to present and direct them at the right person. NO saying anything to anyone who 'signs your checks' is advised. The other comments are for coworkers or pals who 'failed' you in some way or likely caused you 'extra work' as that is typical this week.


Better than may be expected or 'normal'.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Feeling very kind and benevolent

Karma Numbers:

11, 16, 25, 32, 33

Buzz Words:

Keep it smooth

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to take hold of the situation you're in. Someone may try to curtail your freedom, don't hesitate to negotiate. Set them straight on how things are. You will be emotional about money matters if you let cash slip through your fingers. You need to put your finances in order once and for all. You must set and stick to a budget. You need to re-decorate, but don't overspend on that either. Concentrate on your work. Someone you care about will be erratic and eager to pick a fight. Try to say as little as possible and don't become involved in their affairs. You need to talk to the big spenders. Run your ideas by them and see if you can't get a backer and a partner for your concept. Push your product and you'll see great returns. Make the decision to go back to school or study something that will help you change your direction in life. Your time may be limited in the short term, but overall it will be worth your while. Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 12, 21, 30, 40 Read more...

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