Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

August 30, 2010 - September 5, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Get as MUCH done early in the week as you can since a 'bevy' of distractions appears likely and you may hit 'any or all' of things like domino effect build up, loss, mini crisis, health hassles, baby, house or pet sitting requests, being left 'holding the bag' and/or experiencing some 'down time' [which appears restricted to the 5th]. Your mood appears to be supportive and tolerant through what may be some rather 'challenging emotions around you' especially the 1st to 5th. Being the 'chief cook and bottle washer' or 'jack of all trades' can settle down over you in a heartbeat.

Love Horoscope

Romantic love DOES show a threat of doing a '180' this week for SOME Fish, especially Feb Swimmers. A misunderstanding that needs to be 'addressed ON the spot' could surface near the 1st to 3rd. Ideal opportunities to 'fix it' should follow close on the heels of any problem that DOES surface; don't chicken out and miss your 'window of opportunity.' Single Fish fair best this week with hot potential LITTERED from the 2nd to 5th all day, each day. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends appear to be a wonderful source of love and support this week with favors liberally sprinkled around the week 'just when you seem to need them.' What you may notice, is the chance to 'return the favor' following close on the heels of your own need. Be sure to comply quickly and bank some really good karma. A hot bargain is likely the 4th, especially IF you are 'shopping with a pal.' Double your luck by choosing Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Aquarius or Virgo buddies. [this one applies to gambling too!]

Career Highlights

Big amounts with 'high profit potential' may easily be thrown around early in the week and the 'intimidation factor' can be high! Don't let that stop you. Focus on the goal and 'getting all/what you can' out of it. Shoot for the moon but settle for half way. Five times more than expected is just as good as ten times more if five is all you're going to get. Do not put too much hope in 'promises made' this week as 'talk is cheap' especially near the 31/1st. Take the bird in the hand while you're wishing for the two in the bush.


Promising and 'quite possibly impressive.'

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Hopeful... keep it within reason.

Karma Numbers:

3, 9, 18, 22, 28 and black/orange in gambling machines and odd numbers in addresses.

Buzz Words:

Accept 'facts of life.'

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Gemini

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to concentrate on your hobbies. Your strong vision of the way things are supposed to be, gives you confidence in yourself. You may meet potential mates through volunteer groups. Even though problems at work, are likely, try to go about your business and to avoid getting involved in gossip. You will enhance your reputation if you bend over backwards to help someone truly in need. Don't let others talk you into things that you really don't want to do. You will have a tendency to spend too much on children or entertainment. You may experience financial loss if you are careless with your wallet or your investments. Don't let your temper get out of hand. Someone may try to draw you into an argument. Use your compassionate manner to ease the tension and turn the situation around. You take the lead and stay there. You're quick to evaluate and to make your move. Don't let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Read more...

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