Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

July 14, 2008 - July 20, 2008


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Many demands on your money and patience/time early in the week can deplete both your pocket book and your resolve. 'Caving in,' is likely near the 14th to 16th but the rewards can be stunning, especially in contentment by the 17th. You may reap the rewards of a 'job well done' by as soon as the 17/18th or as far out as early Sept. Children are costly this week and single/childless Archers fair best.

Love Horoscope

Exciting new relationship status is likely this week, especially near the 14th to 17th and/or if you are paired to Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aries or other Sagittarius's. Some of you may 'pop the question' or have one posed to you. Marrying, moving in, moving on to the next level and 'admitting your feelings' heads the list. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You are sure to be 'super busy' early in the week helping pals from 'all over your life,' both near and far and in person or via communications like email and phone. Putting in a good word may be required along with keeping them calm during emotionally charged situations, especially near the 19th to 19th.

Career Highlights

Sound progress here appears to be made on a 'day to day' basis. IF things go well the 14th, they should do even better the 15th and once those two are a lock, the 16th is when you can adapt a 'sky is the limit' mind set and make your 'biggest moves.' Wrap up all your work early and try to be 'done' or all arranged by or before the 18th hits. Progress may 'stall for the day,' and pick back up next week.


Fair to good

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

2, 5, 11, 14, 32

Buzz Words:

I'm all ears.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to see past the immediate. Someone you least expect may try to lead you in the wrong direction. Opportunities to meet new friends will unfold if you attend seminars, or conventions. Investment opportunities will be favorable as long as you go it alone and don't partake in joint ventures. Keep an open mind, your stubborn nature may cause you to lose a friend that you care about. Don't be too eager to let others in on your personal secrets. Rumors will lead to a poor reputation. Take the time for reading material that will help your self-image. Your lover may take drastic measures to get your attention. Don't overreact or allow your temper to explode. Work quietly behind the scenes, paying special attention to detail. Read more...

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