Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

April 5, 2010 - April 11, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Being 'pounded with need' is likely near the 5th to 7th and you may feel likely you are investing 'the farm,' at times. You can gain support for your ideas and goals 'best' the 6th. Explain yourself clearly. A 'restless over tone,' may over take you the 7th to 10th and some anxious energy is likely. Let members know 'your needs' so they be 'on the same page' with you. A good decision near the 10th may save your family time, effort, money and grief. You show some 'personal down time,' the later hours of the 9th to 11th; you may have fatigue or simple minor illness. Farm out duties.

Love Horoscope

Relationship status 'may' suffer set backs this week and/or progress may seem to 'grind to a halt' near the 5th, when your fuse is short or near the 9th to 11th when your attention span is limited due to vulnerabilities that appear both physical [illness] or distractions from overwork or restlessness and/or forgetfulness. Explain and fix FAST if you bite into this one. Show them this; that will fix it~! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends appear most supportive and helpful near the 6th and again the 10/11th. Make requests or invitations on those days as they are best for both scheduling and garnering cooperation. Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Aries and Cancer respond best where as Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces or Aquarius pals may be a bit more 'tactful directness.'

Career Highlights

Be very careful with power figures of ANY sign the 5th and keep your communications structure considerate with any 'later' Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini or Virgo personalities. Be sure you do not come off appearing 'pushy or selfish,' near the 7th as your need, anxiety or restlessness may make you appear so, without your realizing it. You are vulnerable to 'mistakes' the 9th, especially in calculations, finance, communications and processing of both personal and career business/dealings. Double check 'everything.'


Fair to good

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Touchy at times, especially the 5th, again later on the 7th and all day the 11th.

Karma Numbers:

2, 12, 19, 20, 22.

Buzz Words:

Whatever the market/situation will bear.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by an emotional roller coaster ride. You will get into arguments with friends or relatives if you don't listen to them. Try hard not to instigate unnecessary friction with your loved ones. Your own irritability will be largely at fault. Your need to meet new people and spend more time away from home may be due to a lack of mental and emotional stimulation. You have to make your mind up about personal issues. There is a good chance that someone is just toying with your emotions. Don't wear your heart on your sleeve and try not to be too revealing. Concentrate on your financial investments. Use your creative ingenuity to get your own way, believe in yourself and so will others. Avoid travel if possible. Your reputation may be affected if you get involved in secret love affairs. Be a giver, not a taker. Read more...

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