Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

July 11, 2011 - July 17, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

An early AM mistake the 11th may send your budget scrambling; avoid this one by fixing it creatively instead of 'spending' or throwing money at it. Avoid 'spoiling' in-laws, youth or spouse to 'sooth, solve or placate' especially near the 12/13th when vehicles and upgrades may almost be 'demanded'. Respect your 'gut feelings' about an issue the 13/14th and 'don't go there...' or live to regret it OR, end up 'saddle with it' for a long time to come. An enjoyable weekend is indicated BUT, does appear to be 'work' for some reason.

Love Horoscope

A 'labor of love' is indicated this week, especially near the 15th to 17th and may be some 'pet project' you are doing for a loved one that you could find yourself 'well in over your head' and you'll need to either work yourself 'off that hook' OR, 'call in help from a buddy/pal'. A real good love interest will understand IF you have 'painted yourself in a corner' and the OTHER kind, may not; time to discover WHICH one you've got here! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

IF you find yourself 'between a rock and a hard place' this week and a bit on 'over load' you may want to call upon pals like Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, Cancer or Leo to help you manage your way through whatever 'blind alley' you got yourself down, especially IF remodeling/building, vehicles/mechanics or computers/electronic/electric are involved. You may also want to 'think safety' while you're at it!

Career Highlights

Clearly, your stars show some kind of 'focus on a big push' and your mind is 'so set upon the outcome/goal' that you may not pay attention to the 'middle' and the risks, costs or conditions you'll encounter on your journey from 'point A to point B'. Think safety, who's involved, the impact on players, be 'sensitive' to any effects it may have and walk the 'end dynamics' through mentally while you're doing it all; just for 'safety sake' as 'safety' can mean MANY things this week, from 'traditional to metaphorical'.


Rather promising

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Almost 'too focused' at times

Karma Numbers:

0, 2, 13, 23, 30

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):

Sagittarius, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by an upsurge of positive energy, that continues to fuel your fire. You could get used to your current level of ease and happiness. Life may not always be this wonderful, but you'd do well to find a formula that you can repeat when the mood dictates. Your mood, no matter what it is does affect others. Wield your power with patience and fairness. Take time to smell the flowers and realize what personal wealth you possess. By giving in to selfishness, you start a negative imbalance that might be hard to contain. Keep your charge cards on a short leash, for the moment. You still have a little time to play the waiting game, but keep your objectives clear. Knowing other people's motives helps you narrow down your options. By this time next week, you should be ready to move on whatever comes your way. Read more...

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