Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

July 11, 2011 - July 17, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Good news and 'announcements' are likely and may include jobs/employment, upgrades in finance/love and expansion of family through new relationships or birth. Celebrations are likely but negative energies like jealousy and regret can cause 'sarcasm' to seep in near the 12th to 14th and spoil everything; give it the boot but GOOD! Rise above any 'pettiness' and don't allow another person to 'contaminate your brain' with comments. You may have something to 'ponder' the 16th; give yourself some thinking time before speaking or discussing.

Love Horoscope

Some Scales may be thinking about totally redoing a relationship status; IF YOU are one of them; give yourself LOTS of thinking time and take THIS into consideration; A.) You have attitude that is negative and sour the 11th to 14th, B.) You are more forgiving and 'right with it' by the 16th. C.) You are going to have it all 'processed' properly by the 19th to 22nd so D.) Don't say BUPKISS until after the 23rd 'or else...' Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Your friends are there for you if/when you need love, support, an extra pair of hands or maybe an ear to listen or shoulder to lean on. This week, do NOT let them bend your brain in the wrong direction; Do it yourself [see the Love section] or go get professional HELP but keep pals for shared hobbies and fun and zip it on love issues.

Career Highlights

Travel may be necessary the 11th to 13th and 'being gone' may put you in a 'vulnerable space' if you are also juggling 'personal issues' at the SAME TIME in your life. Keep your personal and your career life SEPARATE this week; zip the lip! Also, remember you are prone to 'express sarcastic remarks' the 13th [give or take a day on either side of that, too...], and of all things, your target IS 'power people' Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini and bosses, the law or authority figures of any sign. Talk about Zip THE LIP! Can we say, "Unemployment Line?"


Can be very good

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Vindictive at times, especially if/when pushed or witnessing 'injustice'

Karma Numbers:

3, 11, 13, 24, 52

Buzz Words:

Control of self and environment

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your urge move on a dare, even if your common sense tells you it's a bad idea. There may be something you feel you need to prove to yourself. Keep your escapades within the letter of the law. You're free to take a few more risks than usual. Messages come from near and far. Travel may be a bit more complicated than usual. A short temper will only make the trip seem longer. Personal issues will become increasingly irritating. You may, in fact, really be fighting about an old issue. Take a good look at the situation and see if that's not the case. Matters of great personal importance are at stake. Objectivity may be the only thing that can save you. Trust the pure intention behind an imperfect action. Remember that most people are still works in progress. Read more...

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