Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

August 23, 2010 - August 29, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Get down to business fast and early this week; fill practical needs, especially food and health issues, upgrade communications, especially devices like phones, electronics and video but use caution with 'installing new systems' while Mercury is retrograde. Upgrade is one thing; total change is another. Spending appears to escalate near the 26th to 28th when 'demand' takes a hike, especially IF you have Aries, Libra, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or other Lion members. A 'big, important or pivotal' discussion is likely the 29th and may be both impromptu and be about discipline and/or money.

Love Horoscope

Romantic love appears stable this week but other types of love energy may require patience, tolerance and even some humor. Be willing to 'let it slide' if the problem is typical or minor OR, if you've 'ever done the same thing yourself' even if it's been a decade or more. Singles find slamming hot energy near the later hours of the 25th to later 27th and may include some 'lifetime' long term possibilities. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends 'warm your heart' this week and honoring 'milestone events' in their lives may require some level of sacrifice. Just 'being there' may be gift enough, especially IF we are talking Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, other Lion, Taurus or Scorpio pals. New friends are indicated near the 23/24th and 26th with 'expansion' and helpful contacts likely.

Career Highlights

Growth potential is very good here but it comes at a price, most likely long, hard hours, especially the 24th and again the 26/27th. Make necessary changes the 26th but keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde and both finance and communication efforts may require extra work, patience and 'willing tolerance.' Co ventures with Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, other Lions and Virgo appear to both go well and be profitable, especially later in the week and with any deals 'struck off site.'


Impressive, but slightly scary at times.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Focused, especially on 'the future' and any 'expansion/growth' efforts.

Karma Numbers:

2, 11, 15, 25, all the 60's, especially 1962.

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by intuitive feelings about domestic & personal changes. Don't become angry with family or friends. Listen to friends, their advice may be valuable. You will have to gauge your activities wisely, or exhaustion will result. Travel will be tiring and uneventful. Home entertaining could provide you with stimulating ideas, however expect your new acquaintances to be a little pushy at first. Don't be drawn into a questionable plan, gossip will only result in making you look bad. Domestic purchases will be profitable, you should be looking into real estate buys or a residential move. Get into self-improvement projects that will take your mind off your troubles. Necessary changes in your home environment may not seem welcome, but they will be favorable in the long run. Read more...

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