Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

August 23, 2010 - August 29, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Demands on your time and wallet escalate big time the 23rd to 26th and you may be ill equipped to deal with it since your stars show you can be low on cash reserves AND slowed by personal illness/fatigue the 24/25th. Sad/bad news and loss are also possible near the 24/25th and may be centered around the employment and/or health issues of members. A loss that is 'part of life' is unfortunately possible for a small cross section of you but would most likely apply to Fish who 'already know it's coming.' Focus on the needy members, youth and those who would be 'lost without you' and get back in the game QUICKLY~!

Love Horoscope

Showing your strength and support for a love interest that is suffering a setback is also something you may be faced with this week and your strong emotional fiber can make all the difference, especially for Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, other Fish, Aries, Scorpio and Taurus. Single Fish hit hot pay dirt near the evening of the 27th and all day the 29th. Friends may 'hook you up' rather successfully. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Having a deeply personal favor fulfilled is likely this week, especially near the 27th and 29th and there may seem 'no way you can repay them' but you can and you WILL, possibly as soon as the week of the 30th, the end of Sept or later Dec. Your happiness may be all that matters to your pals this week and an alarming number of them may come to your aid, without provocation.

Career Highlights

Mistakes and avoiding them seem to dominate the entire week, especially near the 23rd when they are most likely to be 'spoken words' the 24th when they may stem from something 'overlooked' the 25th when they stem from being 'too distracted' [more focus!], the 26th when they happen at the hands of another and are 'visited upon you' and the 27th when a power person is likely to be responsible. Fix it, sweep it under the rug and say nothing now as long as it does not violate professionalism or the law. You'll be rewarded later. Being 'handed a powerful and/or profitable job/opportunity' is likely the 25th to 28th.


Rather good but very costly early in the week.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Prone to distraction and mistakes but very capable of avoiding them IF you focus.

Karma Numbers:

4, 9, 17, 49, 90, especially the 1990's.

Buzz Words:

Insight, respect your gut and act upon it.

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, Cancer and other Fish.

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to concentrate on your hobbies. Your strong vision of the way things are supposed to be, gives you confidence in yourself. You may meet potential mates through volunteer groups. Even though problems at work, are likely, try to go about your business and to avoid getting involved in gossip. You will enhance your reputation if you bend over backwards to help someone truly in need. Don't let others talk you into things that you really don't want to do. You will have a tendency to spend too much on children or entertainment. You may experience financial loss if you are careless with your wallet or your investments. Don't let your temper get out of hand. Someone may try to draw you into an argument. Use your compassionate manner to ease the tension and turn the situation around. You take the lead and stay there. You're quick to evaluate and to make your move. Don't let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Read more...

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