Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

August 16, 2010 - August 22, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show you to be 'slightly vulnerable' the 16th and you may want to stick close to family for support and 'covering your back.' Mistakes may unfold in career or while handling finance or duty. Your stars show 'a much improved' 19th that lasts into the 19th but dips again the 20th when 'impractical choices and some mistakes' are likely, especially in dealings with or for Leo, Aries, Pisces or other Totter members. A long talk may tip you off to 'just the right thing to do' near the 20/21st. You 'solve big time' and quickly. Youth or spouse tend to be 'rebellious' near the 22nd. Handle it very calmly or risk an escalation that may explode in your face the 24th to 26th or as far out as 9/1 to 9/6.

Love Horoscope

For most Totters, romantic love is stable this week and even shows great promise for singles but there IS as small cross section of you, especially those of you born in the teens of Feb, that may bite into some challenging emotional status or situation/s near the complications of the retrograde the 19th to 22nd, especially IF you are paired to Virgo, Gemini, Leo, Aries or Pisces. It does seem to be chiefly 'limited to pairings with these signs' and applies mostly to 'short to mid range' lengths of time paired. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals are your stock in trade and your focus may fall upon Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Libra this week as your stars show you serve, solve and even 'scramble' often for pals, especially of these sun signs. Hand holding may require you have a strong shoulder to cry on and expect to have soggy sleeves by the time it's done! Having to 'baby sit' in other forms for pals this week is also likely.

Career Highlights

Read the friend section and you've probably already guessed that there is some 'tend, take care and be responsible' energy out there for you this week and 'coworkers' especially those you are 'friends with' even if it's only when/while 'on the job' may need you to do a variety of rescues, solutions and even some 'psychological hand holding' for them! Be careful how this makes you look and how much time/focus it may rob from YOUR job/agenda, especially the 16th, 19th and early hours of the 20th.


Rather good, given all the distraction energy around.

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Devoted to others, sometimes distracted but prone to be excellent at 'problem solving' and very 'creative, inventive and original.'

Karma Numbers:

9, 14, 19, 54, 90, especially 1990 and 1954.

Buzz Words:

Cosmic paycheck.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get control of your moods. Participate in sports events that will test your endurance. You should try to spend time with those who can help lift your spirits. You need some intellectual interaction. Your partner will be in need of special attention, as well. Communication will help your relationship, greatly. Concentrate on projects that involve your living quarters or innovative investments. Travel will be conducive to meeting new love interests. Listen to others and you will be sure to obtain valuable information. Don't let employers interfere with your plans. They may try to take credit for your efforts. Don't make statements unless you have all the pertinent information on hand. You may be questioned and made to look foolish if you haven't done your research. Read more...

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