Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

August 16, 2010 - August 22, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

The name of the game this week is 'beat the retrograde' that is slated to hit the 20th. Make sure you have done some fire inspections and other 'home safety issues' checked on insurances, addressed all practical needs, especially those involving school aged youth, vulnerable elders and emotional needs of in-laws, extended family and 'ex's.' IF you are planning any 'big family events' consider all the 'dynamics' involved and make sure no one is 'offended or feels left out' in any way. IF there is to be a 'snit thrown' it WILL surface the 17th to 19th or the later hours of the 20th.

Love Horoscope

Romance is NOT the Twins strong suit this week and any 'status' that is not 'stable' needs a 'fix it now' approach with strong focus on the 19th to 21st as a 'deadline.' Issues left unaddressed after that point can complicate, domino or backlash in a heartbeat, especially IF Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, other Twins, loyalty issues or money is involved. Singles find hot connections in the 16/17th during day time hours and all day the 22nd. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Co ventures are likely this week near the 16th, 18th and 21st. Think fast to help solve for a pal the 16/17th, especially Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo or other Twin pals who are likely 'not seeing things clearly.' Invitations to travel or visit are likely near the 17th to 20th and may include some kind of 'free ride' potential for an economical vacation/experience too good to pass up!

Career Highlights

Hind sight is 20-20, or so they say but if you are careful to be 'foresighted' near the 16th to 18th you can cash in on some very useful info, bend circumstances to favor you and dodge a bullet or two that coworkers or bosses may have to 'take' because they were unprepared. Most useful application seems to be 'avoiding extra or unnecessary work/hassle' most likely handed down from 'suits above' who have no IDEA how things are done 'on your level.' Zip your lip about it, however. Avoid any kind of 'water cooler gossip' the 19/20th or being seen as part of any 'unhappy or complaining faction.'



Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Playing 'beat the clock' and slightly restless most of the time.

Karma Numbers:

7, 15, 18, 25, 60, especially 1960.

Buzz Words:

Sculpted direction

Compatible Sign(s):

Scorpio, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need for some peace and quiet. You can expect those you live with to have their own ideas about how they want things done around the house. Be sure to pamper yourself by doing exactly what you want and not what everyone else wants. You will not take personal criticism well. Don't retaliate verbally or tempers will escalate. Don't argue; just work in your own space and avoid getting into heated debates. You can expect delays or problems with shipments, operating equipment or mail. You would be wise to delve into creative projects or hobbies to keep out of trouble. Instant romance will not be lasting. Take precautions if you wish to spare your heart. Your concern for older family members and those who need help will enhance your reputation. You can form partnerships that will be fruitful and long lasting. Read more...

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