Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

August 16, 2010 - August 22, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

The big messages this week are 1.) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and 2.) Doubt can be a dangerous energy unless clear, irrefutable proof is present. Think fire prevention, vehicle maintenance and home hazards as we near the 20th to 25th and repairs or replacement of any item that can 'make matters worse if left unaddressed.' A leaky roof may cost you more than a new roof, for example. As for the doubt portion near the 16/17th, trust is an issue that is best taken on a 'member by member' status and not 'across the board.' Sagittarius, Aries, Libra and other Capricorn members tend to 'test' your faith and it could even be 'yourself' you are in doubt about. Seek a pro right away! And if it's about food or a malfunctioning item; when in doubt, throw it out!

Love Horoscope

This is NOT a good area to scrap and run 'if/when in doubt.' Unless you have clear and irrefutable proof of anyone's disloyalty, you must refer to 'trust/faith' to combat doubt. Address the issue head on and don't let it lay festering the balance of the week. There WILL be Sea Goats who's relationships falter near the 16/17th and/or bite the skids the 20th to 22nd but to avoid being one of them, face it head on, pull in a pro if necessary and get all the cards on the table. This is NOT a promising week for single Sea Goats as matches formed now tend to 'fizzle' or contain 'poor promise.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends are THE place to put your time, effort, energy and affection this week. Call up buddies you've not connected to lately and play catch up, work in your favorite hobby, sport or passion or just sit around and 'hang out.' Long talks that form closer bonds are likely, even if unplanned, especially the 19/20th, particularly with Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Leo, Aries or Aquarius pals.

Career Highlights

Be cautious with any 'power mongers' and the risky moves they make on the 16th; someone's head may roll 'higher up' creating an opening and/or bring all who 'are involved' under fire. You get your best cooperation the 17th, even if it is a 'big favor.' Info tends to be scrambled or misunderstood both the 18th and 20th; be clear and keep notes or memorialize in writing. Keep your work and your schedule 'disciplined' the 19th to avoid hassles, mistakes and misunderstandings, of which there is likely to be many.


Rather good 'for you' maybe not so for others around you. Don't 'brag.'

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Prone to doubt and insecurity the 16/17th, improved the 18th to 20th and vulnerable to 'dangerous circumstances' the 21st, back to cheerful the 22nd.

Karma Numbers:

2, 10, 19, 20, 22

Buzz Words:

Check it out.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to look at situations logically. Your insight will allow you to make constructive suggestions. Your creative talent needs an outlet. Be prepared to show your work, you will get support. Someone who is trying to make you look bad will misinterpret your words. Be careful. Don't get involved with a person who is already committed to someone else. One-sided attractions will be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Deception will cause confusion. If you bend over backward to help friends in need, you will enhance your reputation. Don't be too demanding or negative with youngsters. You tend to want the best for everyone you love. Your desires may lead to isolation or retaliation. Read more...

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