Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

June 20, 2022 - June 26, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 20th, yours stars indicate you are quick thinking and filled with excellent ideas and buzz right through the day with solutions for yourself and everyone else around you.

Tuesday the 21st, good news from afar appears likely and may concern your future, finances, travel, invitations and the ability to problem-solve issues that may go back as far as December and even June or May of last year.

Wednesday the 22nd appears to be filled with a great deal of discussion and exchanges and may put to bed many issues or even problems that have been on your mind lately, leaving you with hefty solutions to issues large and small.

Thursday the 23rd, several requests may be made of you and it could cause you to ping-pong back and forth on several errands, literally around town, as well as ping-pong back and forth mentally on several issues, that you have to come to terms with before you decide whether to engage in involvements or not.

Friday the 24th, your stars seem to indicate that by now you have major decisions to make as to whether you wish to become involved in situations or projects that you were invited or requested to become involved in on Thursday. You now have decided exactly where you stand and have seen everything that you wish to see or know to make a firm decision. High productivity is indicated and opportunities for both profit and power are indicated before the sun goes down.

Saturday the 25th, you have an excellent sense of humor and appear relaxed and productive with a wonderful and accomplished day.

Sunday the 26th appears quite amusing but emotions are sensitive in the evening hours and long discussions could surface connected to them.

Love Horoscope

There only appears to be one small and promising window for singles this week and it lands slap on Thursday into Friday. Outside of that, matches formed tend to fizzle fast. For paired Crabs; it's all about the talk and the final answer. That decision you must come to and be in accord with, particularly if you are paired to Libra, Virgo, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius or Aquarius; mess this one up and it could be a bicker fest all the way to the end of the month! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Call for help, as soon as you know, or even sense you are in over your head, or have identified a problem. Most cooperative days for asking are Monday to Wednesday. Thursday is excellent for career asking, but may be used if you are approaching challenging pals, who hold powerful positions and your favor is close to a breach of friendship protocol. A bit of hand-holding and/or "return favor" energy appears likely for Friday/Saturday. It may be a very big project or request/requirement that goes on far longer than originally expected. Make sure you build in conditions for your departure before you start, should you be asked on either of those days!

Career Highlights

Pay attention to all communications and any bottom line, small print situations from Monday to Wednesday as each day is filled with its own individual needs, challenges and booby-traps. Thursday is an excellent day to press/push for favors, advancement or permission as getting the nod on almost anything appears rather likely particularly from Libra, Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and power people with a history of being intimidating. Be seen as totally honest and above board on Friday and especially Saturday -- at home and on the job!


Cooperative for most Crabs.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

In need of daily balance and adjustments

Karma Numbers:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Buzz Words:

From one extreme to the other, so control the changes.

Compatible Sign(s):

Libra, Gemini

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to use your powers of persuasion to influence other's ideas. Don't be shy about expressing your opinions. Value the things that you have to offer to important public projects. Go full steam ahead with important projects, especially those that may lie at a distance from your present locale. There may be something you need to prove to yourself. Any work that you do now will be touched by your sincerity. Your present actions are destined to become the stuff that memories are made of. Hesitation will only compound what starts out as a small problem. Your intelligence and your ability to see the big picture are so powerful that you could raise funds and get your needs met through partnership projects. Read more...

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