Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Aries Horoscopes

February 13, 2012 - February 19, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Emotions may separate you from common sense near the 13th to 15th but wiser choices can be made after discussions, especially with/over Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo members. 'Trying too hard' is another pitfall that may linger from the 15th into the 16th. Expense from travel, vehicles, repairs, appliances/furniture and educational requirements, including sports, hobbies and the 'arts' for any youth in the home is also likely the 16th to 18th.

Love Horoscope

A 'wave of inspiration' may sweep many Rams into commitments of a 'variety of kinds' they were not prepared for or given enough time to 'mull over' before making, especially near the 14th, when you may be 'pressed' into action and again the 16/17th when it appears to be 'more your idea'. This is NOT a good week for single Rams as they tend to 'give more than they get' fail to see vulnerabilities and 'spend' more time, effort and even money, than the 'investment' may be worth 'in the long run'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Invitations are likely and may be 'peppered' through the week, especially near the 14th, when conflict of schedule is likely and the 16th when you could 'spread yourself too thin' or make promises that are unwise. Deal with requests tactfully the 18th or risk an 'or else'.

Career Highlights

This appears to be a very 'demanding' and even for a small cross section of Rams, a 'somewhat treacherous' week, especially the afternoon of the 14th to end of day the 16th. Caution should prevail, quick decisions and impulsive actions should be given the boot and respect for authority figures given 'priority' big time the 16th to 18th; with the 18th being THE best day to DEAL with authority; in career OR personal life.


Draining, demanding and unpredictable, especially in ANY cases of 'old money'.

Overview for Aries

State of Mind:

Vulnerable and often prone to 'extending, over extending and trying too hard'.

Karma Numbers:

6, 90, 91, 90, 144

Buzz Words:

Judgment; make sure yours is balanced, given 'time' measured well and thought through.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to take care of yourself. Your heart is big, and your world has plenty of room for others who share your ideals. Children and lovers will shine with a new brilliance. Anchor yourself to your physical needs. The changes will begin from there, even if it's just a walk around the block. From where you stand, the past and future are in full view. You need to address your feelings by making peace with what has happened in the past. You know that you may have to pay others for their help, but you know it'll be well worth it. Use your imagination to find ways to attract more followers. Your voice will be very convincing. Others will volunteer their time willingly, not realizing that you have been manipulating them. Don't allow anything to weaken your force of will and success will prevail. Read more...

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