Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Aries Horoscopes

August 12, 2019 - August 18, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation appears rather good Monday the 12th but is spent best on more practical and responsible matters, as family may have concerns in just that department.

Tuesday the 13th your impulsive energies are running on high and you need good direction for them if you are to accomplish,... as you appear to be much on your own Tuesday.

Wednesday the 14th your attitude is excellent and cooperation has finally slipped into a wonderful space.

Thursday the full moon brings out strong emotions in everyone and you have high energy but no cooperation again.

Friday the 16th your nose is close to the grindstone once again and accomplishments are excellent especially if you fly it solo. Be patient with certain signs especially Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Pisces.

Saturday the 17th indications are for an excellent day with quality accomplishments and an evening most likely spent in enlightening discussions.

Sunday 18th your ruling planet, Mars, enters Virgo and brings with it health and nutrition issues that may need to be addressed quickly. The day itself is a good one but requires that you pay attention to the direction of those impulsive emotions of yours yet again.

Love Horoscope

Romance is very challenging this week near the later hours of the 13th and 15th when being at odds with a partner as possible regardless of the length of status and making things worse, is the fact that everything appears to come to a head and require being hashed out on the 16th with excellent resolution. Single Aries show sudden onset of dramatic and promising relationship status the 12th, again 14th and a continuation or perpetuation of current status or upgrades the 17th and 18th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends may be more emotional between Tuesday the 13th and Thursday the 15th, particularly Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini. Be supportive but don't give advice,... even if solicited, as it could backfire under the full moon in Aquarius the 15th into the later 16th. There is also a warning to stay out from between the dynamics of two friends as you could encounter some "no good deed goes unpunished energy."

Career Highlights

Your career life appears filled with sudden and dynamic potential the 12th in what may be the sudden onset of new opportunity. There is employment for the unemployed, upgrades and new responsibilities and huge, sweeping profit indicated. Hard work for little gain appears likely on Tuesday the 12th and effort will be required to tolerate the mis-communications of co-workers and the demands of power people above you. Being called on the carpet and required to explain yourself, your motives or your methods, the 16th,... is not impossible, particularly if you are involved with Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Cancer or Sagittarius power people.


Draining... but not 'bad'.

Overview for Aries

State of Mind:

Cheerful but a bit too much in a 'hot-sh*t hurry' for some things at certain times. Slow down!

Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 12, 17, 35

Buzz Words:

Put the brakes on!

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, Leo, other Rams

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your leadership skills to bring a stalled project to a done deal. Bask in your share of the group's recognition when it comes and humbly accept your role in the success. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and someone could make you an offer in the near future because of your actions now. Celebrate with loved ones. Other's energies support your efforts at making changes, especially those that will help you to let go of an unhealthy habit. You have the inner resources to go it alone if necessary, but someone close to you could benefit from your example and encouragement. The buddy system could strengthen your own resolve to conquer this habit and give your ideas about replacement activities. Take it one day at a time. Read more...

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