Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

July 19, 2010 - July 25, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Shelling out to solve, serve and placate is likely near the 19/20th, so much so, that everything from in-laws and spouse to children and extended family [especially ex's] may have their 'hand out' in your direction. Once we clears the 20th, you show a more free spirit and low key demand potential, as if you 'were on vacation/holiday' for the rest of the week. Entertaining visitors or traveling yourself is likely. Hefty spending is indicated for the 23rd to 25th..

Love Horoscope

Romance does poorly near the 19th to 21st as 'emotional demands run high' but shows vast improvement/s near the 22nd as opportunity and 'good emotional receptiveness' go on the rise. Signs like Capricorn, Leo, other Cancers, Taurus, Libra and Virgo show the most 'fast promise' for newer/first time encounters while longer, established relationship experiences 'upgrades' with signs like Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends appear anxious to help when problems threaten, lend good to excellent support when/if you are 'in the midst' of a need but may do a 180 near/after the 22nd and come to you with more, 'me, myself and I' energy. Looks like you get both 'receive and give' energy this week.

Career Highlights

Must you 'knock yourself out' this week? Not only yes, but HELL yes! Looks like going above and beyond the call may be required often, especially near the 19/20th and again the 22nd BUT while this can be unfair 'over time' it can also get you in some petty impressive doors and/or garner the attention of some very impressive 'heavy hitter' energy you'll use as soon as the 22/23rd or as far out as this Nov and Jan/Feb '11.


Promising still and 'lingering' into what may be more.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Challenged at times

Karma Numbers:

0, 2, 14, 22, 23, 40

Buzz Words:

Give and take

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to direct your mind to areas that bring you closer to advancement. Don't waste your time trying to deal with erratic individuals. Don't take on too many projects. Focus on getting ahead your own way. Greater self-esteem will result from your accomplishments. Lending will get you into trouble, losses are evident if you are careless with your cash. Changes to your living quarters or residential moves will be to your advantage. Visitors may drop by, resulting in friction between you and your mate. Try hard to keep your calm, or the silent treatment will be sure to follow. Uncertainties at home will be upsetting. Bide your time and let things unfold as they may. By week's end, you'll be able to enjoy getting together with friends and relatives. Refrain from overindulgence. Read more...

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