Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

March 9, 2020 - March 15, 2020


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 9th not only does Mercury go direct but there's a big fat full moon in Virgo and that gives you all the impetus you need to do some good old-fashioned hard work and get through the day by getting everything you want off your plate and accomplished, leaving you with a wonderful feeling by nightfall.

Tuesday your day appears filled with harmony and cheer although there is one abrupt change just after lunch and you get on top of it right away and the rest of your afternoon just sails smoothly by filled with more harmony and cheer.

Wednesday the 11th is excellent, accomplished, highly supportive and cooperative by other people but it would be wise to make few demands upon yourself and others as you move through your day.

Thursday the twelfth decisions are smooth, discipline work seems to run quickly along and the odd distraction or 2 in the afternoon appears to be short-lived. It's a good day.

Friday the 13th has an exciting morning, ideal romantic and friendly vibes, cheerful and cooperative afternoon and an easy evening filled with enlightening discussions and excellent romantic vibes. What more could you ask for?

Saturday appears to be a day filled with exciting energies, good advice, creative change the comes in abruptly and offers a banquet of opportunities to make designer changes in your life.

Sunday can be a disappointing day unless you get the day planned and put it in place and stay on top of it and run the day like a boot camp.

Love Horoscope

Always the optimist the believer and the compassionate one, Cancer shows excellent romantic luck this week for singles with hot days the 9th, later 10th, early 11th, all day the 12th, late on the 13th; the later the better and all days long the 14th and the 15th. Paired Crabs may hold somewhat long and emotional discussions that can be very draining and possibly even leave some residual resentment if proven to be too emotionally demanding, the 9th to 11th, particularly if Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn or Libra are problem partners. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals like Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, other Cancers, Taurus and Capricorn may really need you this week for a variety of reasons, your talents likely to be among them but most likely, just for your compassion, your understanding and your silent comfort. I just love Cancers, they keep time with you without ever once mentioning what it is that is bothering you but you just know they clearly see the 800 pound gorilla in the room; they just ignore it with you!

Career Highlights

For some of you, jobs, careers or work in general may be very demanding, difficult and sometimes down right unreasonable particularly near the demands of the 10th, the PM of the 11th and again the 12th. Long distance support and those traveling to you may be of more help than you expected or projected. Be willing and accept that which is given. Small challenges may be inserted but to most likely test some one or some thing else and you could become swept up in the whole thing.


Frustrating and not your fault.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Steeped in problem solving.

Karma Numbers:

5's in money issues, 7 in omens 11, 15, 33, 60

Buzz Words:

Don't freak out it will be the beginning of an end.

Compatible Sign(s):

Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to bide your time and get the past negative feelings you have about the current situation. You may not have any control over the situation, but you can still get something from it. Strength begins with courage and you happen to have lots of that. Don't allow others to press your emotional buttons. Promises may have been broken, but you need to conserve your energy for more positive use. You'll feel frustrated by other's neglect for your feelings. Express yourself clearly & directly. If you speak your mind calmly, you'll make your point. You will not cause any hurt feelings if you are honest. Your thoughts will become clearer as the week winds down. Make plans to escape reality & enjoy a little bit of free time to play. Old friends know you better than anyone. A little week-end get away may be just what you need. It may even change your outlook to the future. Read more...

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