Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

November 26, 2012 - December 2, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may be asked to 'commit' to holiday or special event plans the 26th and your willingness along with your general 'attitude' may be thrown into the spotlight. The emotions you express the 28th can be 'taken out of context' or distorted in some way; be very clear or avoid expressing an opinion at all. You show much greater ease once we are totally out from under the effects of the full moon/eclipse on the 28th when/once we hit the 30th.

Love Horoscope

Some troublesome dynamics may be unavoidable this week, especially near the events of the afternoon of the 27th, mid day the 29th and late on the 1st. Handle each situation with 'individual and detached' calmness. The worst mistake you can make is to link any of them, even IF they ARE related! You show greater ease the 26th and 30th and status 'restores nicely'. Singles also do well both those days. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A pal may have some kind of 'mini crisis' and be in genuine need near the 27tht o 29th and if you fail them, you'll not only risk a failing status but may garner some 'bad karma' for yourself, regardless of their feelings; forging or not. Step up to the plate of friendship this week.

Career Highlights

Make/schedule plans the 26th, navigate and mitigate difficulties the 27th, avoid any situations with 'too much personal info/dealings' the 28th, focus strongly on the details and 'the bottom line' the 29th, use the 28th for your 'best request' day as cooperation is excellent that day and you'll have a most successful week in business.


Stellar in some cases; very good in others.

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Willing to 'face difficulty' and prevail

Karma Numbers:

5, 9, 11, 35, 59, including 1959 and those born in it.

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by getting back on track and meeting your commitments. A mature friend will be able to help you. Thanks to a frank conversation, you get clearer about your responsibilities to the team. Your sense of self-esteem will rise as you realize just how talented you are. It's not flash, however,that gets you where you want to go now. It's solid, reliable work that earns respect, and possibly money. Of course, let's not rule out the possibility of a fresh new idea! Sometimes you can step into a situation and see it better than anyone else in the room. This could be one of those times. You may think it's logic that brings the right answer, but it's intuition that provides you with the key. While others bang their heads doing the calculations,your instincts can guide you to the ideal solution. You can mystify others with this ability, but don't take it lightly. It's a gift that should be rewarded handsomely. Read more...

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