Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

February 11, 2013 - February 17, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Indecision/s, a tendency to be a bit 'sarcastic with loved ones' and emotional distractions may mar the 11th into 12th for a hefty cross section of Scales. Get as much done the 11/12th as possible since your stars show some 'minor down time' may be in store for you with common cold/flu, digestive, forehead, eyes, dehydration, med mistakes and ears head the list of vulnerabilities. Younger Scales may have 'wisdom teeth' issues that can be both costly AND painful!

Love Horoscope

This can be a rather good week in romantic love as long as you 'govern your tongue' near the 11th, 13th and again later on the 16th, when you are prone to 'lash out' at anything that has either 'tested your patience' OR, given you reason to be 'financially insecure'. Singles show several promising hot spots, especially the 12th and 14th where new love can take root and develop FAST! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Old pals are likely to cycle BACK into your circle, mostly coming in through current pals, some situations may be a sort of, "I had no idea you knew so-in-so..." Beefing up your network to serve you in both career and personal life is an excellent idea this week, especially the 12th to 15th when it can lead to profit, employment and 'ease' of duties.

Career Highlights

This may be one of your more remarkable weeks but much of it seems to be in laying ground work, setting the stage, focusing on the background and fine 'bottom line' needs and working out any potential 'bugs/threats'. Your best days appears to be the 13th to mid day the 15th. Follow through and finish the 11th, return all messages quickly the 13th and use great respect with power/money people the 15th to 'get what you want'.


Choppy at first and then 'likely to be rather good/promising'.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Creative and patient, except for the 11th; when you are 'sarcastic' in tone.

Karma Numbers:

5, 6, 15, 45, 65, including 1965.

Buzz Words:

Sentiment has no place in hard line business deals.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to channel your energy wisely. Physical activities will lead to greater self-esteem. Try to spend some time with someone who makes you feel important. Let your own feelings for them be known. You'll be able to make commitments or sign contracts. New opportunities will surface. You will have to work hard to accomplish anything but rewards will be yours if you put your heart and soul into the project you are involved in. Lucky Numbers: 12, 15, 18, 36, 37, 40 Read more...

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