Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

April 8, 2013 - April 14, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Generous emotional contributions, especially to in-laws, spouse and youth of any sign the 8th to 11th may include time, skill/talent, money and sacrifice of your own needs/wishes, especially for Aries, Pisces, Cancer, other Scales, Virgo or Gemini members. Returns on your 'thoughtfulness' appear to come as soon as the 10th, 14th or as far out as the 23rd to 26th. An enjoyable weekend is indicated but boy, does it appear to be 'a LOT of work'.

Love Horoscope

Excellent potential for both single AND paired Scales seeking upgrades in commitments are indicated, especially IF Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Taurus, Aries or Gemini are candidates in either! VERY promising long runs and fulfilling fast connections are possible! Invitations AND 'outright proposals' appear likely! Gee, lucky the Scale who hits this one, this week! There is a TINY cross section of Scales who MAY hit 'termination' energy near the 8th but it appears isolated TO the 8th and may be more likely only if paired to Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Aries or Cancer and 'in trouble for a long time now'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Some Scales may 'lose a pal' lose touch or experience some kind of setback, break or loss, especially if pets are involved OR, moves, marriages and 'interference from back stabbing mutual acquaintances' are involved. State the facts, put it out there for ALL to see and hope the universe helps you with it and if NOT: then maybe it's best to just 'let go and let God'. In the case of 'pet loss' you can ASK the pet to 'come back' and speak to its soul, IF you have the opportunity to do so while they are still alive and if you do NOT, then go out under the stars the night of 4/25 and ASK them to 'come back to you' if this was a 'bonded human to animal soul connection'.

Career Highlights

Making mistakes, miscalculations and experiencing 'miscommunications' are any/all likely the 8th to 10th and IF you it this one, all you can do is 'fix it fast' follow through and stay on top of it. Should you bite into this one, it should be 'all over and fixed' by or before the 11th and if you need help with any aspect of it, asking power people mid to later AM on the 10th, later on the 11th or very early on the 12th may get it done for you. Taurus, Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio may be the most helpful with Aquarius, Gemini and other Scales making a close second choice.


Draining to cooperative; splitting the 10th.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Optimistic; always.

Karma Numbers:

0, 13, 22, 32, 33

Buzz Words:

Balance solves ALL things!

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario gives you with an urge to decorate and beautify your immediate surroundings is a great way to express your creativity. Look past the immediate to find some old treasures to exhibit your style.You may be feeling very sensitive, even vulnerable. It may be time to think about a little rest and relaxation. You can be imaginative but you need to rejuvenate yourself first. Lucky Numbers: 14, 16, 20, 37, 39, 44 Read more...

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