Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

May 1, 2006 - May 7, 2006


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You appear busy and productive up until the AM of the 3rd when an emotional challenge or set back can slow progress. You appear to have it fixed fast by day's end with emotional 'acting out,' sassy behavior/speech and 'butt in the air attitudes' from members being a likely source of the problem. Keep your word and schedule on target the 3rd to 5th to avoid a duty 'back up,' that robs time from enjoyment the 6/7th. Be supportive of needs/discussions of members the 7th but stay out of it as your insights are off and your energy down.

Love Horoscope

Romance can do very well for the Fish this week with new loves entering for single Swimmers near the 4th to 6th and Virgo, Taurus, Leo, Gemini and other Fish are likely candidates. Connections can flame up fast but taking 'emotional control' and pacing it may be wise, especially until after the full moon the weekend of the 13th when you can 'see more.' Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends can lead you to love this week if you are looking for improvements in current relationship status or hooking up with new sources; be a social butterfly and say YES to all invites. Volunteer to assist, especially near the 4th and 6th. And good luck!

Career Highlights

Distractions the 1st can cause a pile up OR just 'extra work,' from having to redo. Your butt may be dragging the AM of the 3rd so your focus can suffer. Strive to 'pay attention' and not miss the small stuff or things that 'happen fast in passing.' Keep your schedule tight and on time the 4th, especially the afternoon/evening. Your ESP is down the 5th so 'flying by the seat of your pants' will NOT work.



Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Distracted at times but generally cheerful and hopeful.

Karma Numbers:

3, 10, 12, 22, 30

Buzz Words:

Timing in life is everything!

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to concentrate on your hobbies. Your strong vision of the way things are supposed to be, gives you confidence in yourself. You may meet potential mates through volunteer groups. Even though problems at work, are likely, try to go about your business and to avoid getting involved in gossip. You will enhance your reputation if you bend over backwards to help someone truly in need. Don't let others talk you into things that you really don't want to do. You will have a tendency to spend too much on children or entertainment. You may experience financial loss if you are careless with your wallet or your investments. Don't let your temper get out of hand. Someone may try to draw you into an argument. Use your compassionate manner to ease the tension and turn the situation around. You take the lead and stay there. You're quick to evaluate and to make your move. Don't let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Read more...

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