Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

June 18, 2012 - June 24, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Bickering may continue the 18/19th but appears to resolve for those Stingers who bite into this one by or before the close of the 19th, especially if siblings, phones, misunderstandings, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius or Libra were/are involved. Improves improvements may be swift and by the 21st; 'all is forgotten'. Enjoyable gatherings are likely the 22nd and again the 24th but could run slightly 'costly' if elders, gifting, travel or long distance is involved.

Love Horoscope

Romance appear fine for single Stingers who want upgrades or new candidates as promising dates near the evening of the 19th, all day long the 21/22nd and later on the 24th all appear cooperative, but some paired Stingers may hit a problem area near the 20th, with loss, setbacks or complications arising, especially IF paired to Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn or other Stingers. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends provide a wonderful distraction and may be very helpful if you need perspective on a challenging issue; pay attention to buzz lines like: "It may be none of my business BUT..." and at least try to see it from their stand point. Another emotional issue near the later hours of the 22nd MAY be a rift between two pals; be careful whom you back!

Career Highlights

Two big problem areas to dodge or mange this week; mistakes and misunderstandings the 18/19th and struggles with, or more likely 'between' power people the later hours of the 21st into all day the 22nd. Stay out of it unless you are DRAGGED in, especially if Leo, Cancer, Capricorn or other Scorpios are involved. Having to travel or be gone the 18/19th and again the 22/23rd is likely and may be a 'blessing in disguise'.


From 'one extreme to the other;' most likely bad to better!

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Vulnerable at times, especially the 20th!

Karma Numbers:

6, 15, 23, 25, 52, including 1952 and those companies or people formed/born in it.

Buzz Words:

Let it go if it's been 'in the throes' for a long time.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to act on your emotions. Sometimes, you may be too quick to re-act, but this week, you're right to take a stance. Others are the same as always, but your perception of them will change radically. Be aware that your words and your actions will affect them greatly. You can probably talk your way out it, but everybody is watching to see the outcome. Stay calm and your confidence level will rise. Everybody wants security, but their concepts may be different than yours. Your job is to find some common ground and then to start from there. Call for a truce and really listen to others' opinions. Seek the help of those who want to be productive instead of destructive. Avoid miscommunications of any sort. You need to get focused on the realities that faces you. Read more...

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