Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

September 10, 2012 - September 16, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Exciting changes are likely and some Stingers may actually 'feel' them coming in the breeze. Focus on 'omens' that hit in near the 11/12th to 14th to point the right direction in investing, spending, risking and 'who is on your side'. IF you see co workers and especially 'bosses, power people or big clients' get the 'ax' in any way this week, it may signal an 'opening of sorts' for YOU. Be ready to act quickly and have 'all the right info/answers' available to 'step in' if someone else screws up OR, just has an unfavorable 'day/situation'.

Love Horoscope

Romance show both steamy potential and lusty overtones this week, especially near the 10th to 12th and again under the new moon the 14th, when energies heighten and your 'chances improve!' IF there have been any 'secret admirers' around you, they may surface near the 13/14th to 16th. Pay attention to 'anything unusual' or out of the ordinary 'focused upon you'. An emotional discussion or outburst the 10th OR 13th is possible; let it 'slide' if you CAN. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends extend several invitations for shared hobbies and passions this week. Enjoy mixers and networking, as they may provide constructive and helpful 'connections or future potential connections' in career OR romance; especially near the 12th, mid day the 13th and the 15th. IF you have a 'need' a pal may be anxious to assist; ask Cancer, Taurus, Leo, Aries or Gemini.

Career Highlights

Here is where we see THE most promising energy this week, especially near the 10/11th and/or in some 'long anticipated' dream/s or goals. While things may not 'close' JUST yet, the best results may be 'just around the corner' especially in financing, backing, travel, agreements and in getting 'parties to come to the table' so you can 'put on finishing touches'. High rates of cooperation the 10th, 12/13th and 14th into 'off site' the 15th make these days excellent for all sorts of 'energies'.


Actually, good, where it is NOT for others.

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Focused, especially on the future, particularly Jan/Feb '13.

Karma Numbers:

9, 10, 13, 35, 96

Buzz Words:


Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your needs for love, companionship,friendship, and sharing,and you won't want to be alone or go off to do solitary work. In fact,you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life rather than laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks. A significant development in a close relationship or strong feelings of attraction to someone you encounter are very likely at this time. Right now,you will be tempted to do something for pleasure which you ordinarily wouldn't enjoy or even be interested in. Influences from a lover or friend pull you in a direction that is a bit off the beaten track for you. If you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later. Beware of indulgences that compromise your values or integrity. Read more...

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