Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

April 7, 2008 - April 13, 2008


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may be slightly gullible and may need to get more info/facts near the 7/8th when it comes to 'needy' members, especially youth and in-laws making requests. Avoid/limit contact with extended family, especially 'ex's' near the 8th and 11th to 13th. Crisis creators, those who always seem to need rescuing, financial fools and 'pot stirring' people may be the most problem. Feelings of apathy may strike near the evening of the 12th. Relax and withdraw before deciding.

Love Horoscope

Romance may almost seem to have slipped to the back burner for many of you. Other issues may be dominating your energy, especially near the 8th and 12/13th. Single Totters do well near the 10th and later hours of the 12th but time should be taken to 'check it all out' before investing too quickly. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends can be most helpful but only IF you remember to ASK! You are always the first to volunteer and often without being approached but you so seldom think to request a favor, especially when/if things are 'at their worst.' Throw a pal a bone and let them do a favor.

Career Highlights

Cooperation appears poor the 8th, especially with/over money, sales and big amounts/projects. You show a big leap ahead the 9th but not without heavy investments of time/energy on your part. A much more suiting 'pay off' hits near the 11th if you are able to negotiate the demands of the 10th and time manage well. Travel may be necessary this week for some of you or it may be a lot of 'commuting' that I am seeing.


Good but not without investing heavily

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Growing more apathetic as the week ends

Karma Numbers:

2, 9, 10, 39, 40

Buzz Words:

Pour it all out and be done with it.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get control of your moods. Participate in sports events that will test your endurance. You should try to spend time with those who can help lift your spirits. You need some intellectual interaction. Your partner will be in need of special attention, as well. Communication will help your relationship, greatly. Concentrate on projects that involve your living quarters or innovative investments. Travel will be conducive to meeting new love interests. Listen to others and you will be sure to obtain valuable information. Don't let employers interfere with your plans. They may try to take credit for your efforts. Don't make statements unless you have all the pertinent information on hand. You may be questioned and made to look foolish if you haven't done your research. Read more...

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