Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

March 18, 2013 - March 24, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You appear to put a great deal into the 18th to 21st and it may be 'one hard, demanding day after another' filled with quick fixes, inventive solutions and a TON of 'placation' especially for Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo and any 'spoiled' members. Sibling issues may grab center stage, especially IF there is property to divide, health care decision to make or any dealings over/with elders, particularly IF Leo, Aries, Libra, other Aquarius or Capricorn is involved. Create NO excitement levels the 22nd as they are prone to escalate WAY out of control and FAST!

Love Horoscope

Romance shows a 'level of threat and LOSS' this week, especially near the 20th, and again near the 22/23rd as even the most innocent and simple of 'encounters' OLD or NEW, can escalate quickly into the WRONG direction. Having what you do or say taken out of context OR, reacting more than you expect or even 'feel' is a typical threat! Take it slowly, especially the 22/23rd. This is NOT a good week for singles. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are likely this week and may come into your life for the sole purpose of solving sudden problems that arise. It may be the way of the universe to 'import' help for you. Embrace assistance and don't be too 'shy' about asking or allowing!

Career Highlights

You may have more than the/your 'fair share of work' dumped upon you the 18th to 20th and the whole block of time could contain more than ONE agenda, expectation, duty, goal or deal and you are trying madly to juggle and address or at least, finish ALL of them; you know that perfectionist in you? It's in control this week! A piece of very 'exciting news' or a sudden turn of 'promising events' may sweep you off your feet the 22nd; grapple for control 'right now' and 'on the spot'. Zip it and contain it quickly! There is big profit to be had IF handled right!


VERY promising

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Easily excited!

Karma Numbers:

10, 12, 22, 23, 44.

Buzz Words:

Make 'the most' of what you are given; even if you are 'given the most'.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your keen understanding of how effective team work can be. You can enhance business, career & prestige in the community. Higher ups may request your time. Listen to other's ideas on how to handle the situation & plan your strategy, accordingly. Sometimes you may feel as if you can conquer anything and maybe you can, but remember to thank those who have helped you on your way. They need to feel your respect & your love. They'll feel it best if you show it through your actions, not just your words. Make sure to keep your positive flow going. Others may require your attention & understanding in a domestic situation. Be careful not to say something that you'll be sorry for later. Keep expenses low as higher ups may question them. You may need to do a little public relations to satisfy them. Show our colors, as long as you have nothing to hide. Chance meeting will allow the surge of a new fresh relationship. Share some quality time & realize how special you feel for each other. Your entire outlook will be transformed, from being a victim to being a victor. Don't allow negative comments you hear to discourage your progress. Read more...

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