Weekly Horoscope for Aries

Aries Horoscopes

January 10, 2022 - January 16, 2022


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 10th, your morning appears to be absolutely wonderful with excellent cooperation and surprising information and news. Your early afternoon is also highly productive and is filled with quick accomplishments. As we near the end of business hours however, a bad case of "drop butt" may await a cross-section of you causing you to spend your evening a low-profile way.

Tuesday the 11th, your morning appears to be somewhat smooth and very charming in exchanges with family and co-workers. Your afternoon may be filled with emotional interruptions and distractions along with the need to stay away from water cooler gossip and appearing to be time-wasting.

Wednesday the 12th is a highly productive day with excellent opportunities scattered all around you for the picking and the choosing. Others around you may have good news and be celebrating or excited and you can join in or try to pick up some of the energy to turn it inward and use it yourself.

Thursday the 13th, what a useful and wonderful day for you to get as much accomplished as you possibly can, given that the cosmos is spreading strong energy and rich rewards around for everyone and you've got to pick up some of that for yourself. While the aspect is not aimed directly at you, Aries has a way of being handed the trophy even if they're not planning on competing.

Friday the 14th, your luck is way up and those of you who wish to gamble may find excellent fortune in the early evening hours. Your day is smooth and productive and there are social invitations likely for a hefty cross-section of you.

Saturday the 15th, your morning may be somewhat slow and sluggish, but indications are that it's the Universe trying to slow you down so that you will take a strong look at your spiritual self. Take the time to do some introspective thinking and try to glimpse your spiritual self. Spend the day however you wish then.

Sunday the 16th, indications are that you are extremely drawn to music and that music will stir your soul, relax your mind and fill your heart with sentiment and wonderful feelings.

Love Horoscope

Love at first sight may strike many of you on or near Wednesday evening and for many days on either side -- or, it may spring from the events of it and shake your life up to the point where you need to run and take a break. Usually, your attitude is "bring it on!" Some of you may end up a bit intimidated and overwhelmed, especially if Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, other Aries or Libra are involved. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Old pals appear to be very much the center of your thinking near Wednesday and you may even find you reconnect in some way or run into an old pal that day. The spotlight is "on the old" this week, especially Wednesday and possible again on Sunday.

Career Highlights

Cooperation is only challenging from Tuesday into Wednesday and then it's not enough to really blow your skirt up. The rest of the week is filled with various forms of cooperation and even some offerings from which you can pick and choose, but just be sure to show your gratitude and to return favors if any were involved.


Excellent, with things handed to you possible.

Overview for Aries

State of Mind:

Willing to invest or risk

Karma Numbers:

2, 5, 7, 8, 12

Buzz Words:

Open door thinking; not open door policy.

Compatible Sign(s):

Pisces, Cancer and January Aquarius.

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to rid yourself of bad habits and negative people. Don't fool yourself, getting yourself into shape takes hard work. Analyze what you would like to improve upon and focus on it. You can achieve your goals if you present your ideas to superiors. Express your creative talents, don't let your insecurities hold you back. It's time for you to take a stance. Your ability to work with fine but important details will be admired and rewarded. You can expect to receive some favors. Travel should be on your agenda. Romance will be enticing and lead to new and exciting plans for the future. Expect to run into people from your past. Relationships will be serious, you may want to make a long-term commitment to the one you love. Plan a quiet romantic evening for two, to discuss your plans. Read more...

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