Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

June 24, 2013 - June 30, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Placing the needs of others before your own is NOTHING new for you... but it may become almost a "necessity," the 24th through 26th, especially if you are appeasing or supporting a spouse of any sign, particularly Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, other Crab, Aquarius or Leo. Demands in general DO NOT become much easier until after the 7th of July! It's a LONG HAUL, boys and girls! There are 'bright spots' from now until then; don't get me wrong, but watch carefully as 'things can escalate' quickly even on what appears to be 'a VERY good day'. Enjoyable gatherings, members who show willingness to listen closely, highly cooperative energies and sparkling social or community events appear to fill the 28th through the 30th; enjoy it while it lasts.

Love Horoscope

Romance appears best for the single Crabs this week, especially the 26th through 29th when serendipitous encounters, higher rates of sexual energy, interesting new personalities and likely assistance from networking pals improve your odds. Jacking up your numbers may be pals like Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio, as they 'add fuel to the fire'. Unexpected invitations, happy accidents and surprises of a variety of kinds are possible near the 25th, all day the 28th and again the 29th. WHAT a good week for love. Work that field now as it begins to 'dip' the 30th and; the week of the 1st just SUCKS! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Libra, other Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius and especially Scorpio pals may extend interesting and stimulating invitations this week, especially near the 26th, late on the 28th and all day the 29th. Even if some invites are last minute, it may be wise to do all you can to except; remember it may be yours or someone's BIRTHDAY!...don't ruin the surprise...even if long distance dealings or travel are required.

Career Highlights

Having to problem solve, protect a co workers BUTT, travel or communicate long distance and tiptoe around power people, especially Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Gemini and particularly the 25th to 27th is likely this week. AND... anyone who signs or controls your paycheck/s may need to see some 'respect' support or some form of 'gesture' from you that 'pays homage' in some way, even if it's bogus B.S. Just DO it! Focus special attention on power people the 26th and 28th, coworkers the 25th to keep them from 'screwing up' and anyone 'who is about to screw up' the 24th to protect them from themselves; if you CAN!


Rather good, given some of the challenges.

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

Slightly impatient at times.

Karma Numbers:

14, 22, 26, 48, 51 and 1948 or 1951 and anyone born in those years.

Buzz Words:

tolerance in all communication, especially when you sense psychological challenges in another.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by an intensity that you feel, that may be a distracting force. You'll feel anxious & unable to relax. Try to turn your attention inward for awhile and save your breath for breathing. Content yourself with being part of a process that someone else has started. Lift your head out of the details to see whether the big picture has changed since you last looked. It's still possible to maintain harmony as long as you're paying attention. You may have to shout in order for anyone to hear your voice. It may be easier to step back into the neutral zone than to go for another ride on the roller coaster. Be observant of what you can't control. Wait awhile before engaging your emotions again. Your strength will return once you gain your confidence in who you are. Lucky Numbers: 9, 13, 22, 23, 34, 36 Read more...

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