Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

June 24, 2013 - June 30, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your tolerance, patience, temper and communication abilities appear to be in short supply this week. Most challenging days appear to be the 25th through to the 27th, the morning of the 28th and a tiny spot near sunset on the 30th. MUCH has to do with your ruling planet, Mercury, going retrograde the 26th and taking your 'emotional balance' with it. The needs of a spouse or partner, especially if they are Gemini, other Virgo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Leo MAY need strong focus near both the 25th and 27th. Feeling like you are being picked on, over criticized or discounted may lead to a communication explosion the 26th or shortly there after, possibly even FROM the events of the 26th but don't 'hit in' until some time later!

Love Horoscope

If you want to keep your happy home "happy indeed," then you'd best monitor ALL your 'vocal tones' dissect the 'emotions behind them' and pay close attention to HOW incoming 'vocal tones' drive your thinking, feelings or reactions. You may have to 'come back and read this' again LATER in the week, just because you think,"wait just a dog-gone minute! Didn't that Rita Ann say something about this, this week?" Don't you wish you could install a zipper on your brain and take it out to examine it for 'potential flaws building?' Some level of sexual tension, innuendo or even low level misunderstanding can force a normal situation to escalate out of control, especially if it hits in between the 25th and 27th. Single Virgos appear to do very well this week; despite the retro! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

It would be wise to pay close attention to any hints, tip off, well meaning comments or out right critiquing your pals give you this week. Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, Taurus and Capricorn may really be on your side this week. Having a pal give you a good pat on the back, especially near the 28th to 30th, may go a long way toward building in your confidence.

Career Highlights

There's no doubt about it this week, you have some vulnerable days; the worst of which is the 26th, the 27th and the morning of the 28th. ALL of them are due to the retrograde motion of Mercury, which may set off a sort of 'domino affect' that sullies your whole career/job outlook. Use respectful tones when addressing superiors, power figure's, money people, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, other Virgos or any personality displaying a weak psychological mind set. Remember, even subordinates can 'cause you grief' if they are ticked off enough! Suspicion may run rampant this week, especially among Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer or other Virgos coworkers. Make sure any expressions of temper are processed carefully before they leave your lips.


Choppy and challenging

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Choppy and challenging

Karma Numbers:

16, 24, 32, 65, 66 and 1965 and 1966, including people born in those two years.

Buzz Words:

Deliberate action

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a tornado of ideas. You could be in a very talkative mood, at the very least, expect your mind to be running a mile a minute. Slow down and take note of the good ideas, because they'll be worth remembering. Big financial ideas are very exciting to you now, too. You're in charge. Expect to be the leader. This is your chance to shine professionally. You have the spark to move into a new direction. Planning is important, but taking chances and taking action are primary. Even if you don't achieve your goals, you'll learn from your mistakes and succeed the next time. Try to find a project or activity in which you are in total control. Initiate one if one is not already in place. Complications with a loved one who is far away might arise. Your calm, even at a long distance, could be incredibly helpful to others. Speaking the right way could be more important than saying the right thing. Truth is a wonderful thing, it can open hearts and minds. Some may appreciate your directness, others could arch their backs and hiss at you. Certainly not the way to build successful relationships. Pick your spots by carefully choosing when and what you say and to whom. Lucky Numbers: 6, 9, 12, 17, 27, 36 Read more...

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