Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

November 14, 2011 - November 20, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Personal 'down time' is very likely the 14th to 16th and depending upon members to delegate duty, be understanding and show consideration is likely. IF you are disappointed, it may affect your future plans, gifting, rewards and favors you are likely to return and your whole 'attitude' by the 19th to 12/14. IF 'let down' you may slip into a mini depression that lasts until as far out as 12/14 or even 1/20/12. Make sure you are crystal clear about what is 'precious and important' to you this week.

Love Horoscope

Setting yourself up for a downfall in love is also likely this week [read Family] especially IF you are paired to Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Sagittarius or Gemini. Single Sea Goats do best near the promising energies of the mid day hours the 14th, all day the 15th and mid day the 16th. The evening of the 19th may provide a new candidate but it appears to be successful only if it came 'through a trusted source' like a family, friends or well know community group/activity. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are also likely this week, especially near the 14/15th and 19th. Having to deal with the process of a pal moving on/away is also possible this week, especially near the 18th or 20th. Try to remember all the typical well wishes rather than display a reaction of disappointment or sadness that may dull their decision or announcement joy.

Career Highlights

Promotion and raise are possible this week and the 14th to 16th appears to be the most likely window for this, especially IF you work in the finance, investment, real estate, travel, political or transportation industries. Minor setbacks and some level of disappointment may hit in near the 18th to 20th for Caps in the health, fitness, food, farming, food service or medical industries. Roll with the flow to survive.


Spotty but overall very good.

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Emotionally vulnerable with/at any 'challenging or disappointing news'.

Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 9, 88, 93

Buzz Words:

Discipline your work schedule

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to act on your emotions. Sometimes, you may be too quick to re-act, but this week, you're right to take a stance. Others are the same as always, but your perception of them will change radically. Be aware that your words and your actions will affect them greatly. You can probably talk your way out it, but everybody is watching to see the outcome. Stay calm and your confidence level will rise. Everybody wants security, but their concepts may be different than yours. Your job is to find some common ground and then to start from there. Call for a truce and really listen to others' opinions. Seek the help of those who want to be productive instead of destructive. Avoid miscommunications of any sort. You need to get focused on the realities that faces you. Read more...

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