Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

April 29, 2013 - May 5, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Keeping that 'level head' of yours, while all about you are losing theirs may be a real 'death defying feat' this week! Sculpt your time and consign it out with 'practical application/s' common sense and an eye toward 'the most/more practical needs' favoring NO ONE, especially Aquarius, Leo or Aries. IF these signs seem to 'complain' tactfully put them 'in their place' in the grand scheme of things.

Love Horoscope

Your old fashioned and 'sentimental side' is up, OUT and 'in control' this week, let me tell you! Loyalty and 'length of time' level of devotion and past deeds carry a LOT of 'clout' in your romantic decision making this week and if there is NOT enough evidence OF any of that; you'll decide to back off and 'stall'. Most likely you'll stall until the 10th. Singles; this is not a good week but the 30th and 2nd both appear somewhat promising but if it fizzle fast, give up on it. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Losing a pal 'dear to you' through a misunderstanding IS worse than through a move, marriage or upgrade that takes them into 'new/different circles' but gone is gone, nonetheless and that MAY happen to a reasonable cross section of you this week, especially near the 1st to 3rd.

Career Highlights

A roadmap to survive the week; respect and vocal tones on the 29th, using ONLY 'reasonable and expected or predictable methods' the 30th, a very SOFT or 'light' touch the 1st, especially if you have to 'come down on somebody' reasoning with all your skills and inventiveness the 2nd and allowing for the 'deeply personal feelings, goals and needs' of the other person the 3rd, will get you though the week with the LEAST amount of hassle.


Burdensome at a few points, especially the later half of the 1st, early AM the 2nd and only the AM of the 3rd.

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Clear and VERY 'inventive/creative'.

Karma Numbers:

2, 9, 11, 17, 44

Buzz Words:

Disbursement of responsibility

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a need to collect & study facts & faces, you may be tested to remember, later. You are due to receive a gift or a bonus. Perform your heart out, enjoy the limelight. Offers you receive may be exciting, but you will need time to digest all of the information you have received. Family members, co-workers will vie for your attention. Listen to them, but try not to get overwhelmed by the requests you receive. Help where you can,but don't put any of your own plans on hold. Express your inner thoughts & feelings to someone close to you. They will be able to help you deal with something that's very close to your heart. Lucky Numbers: 4, 12, 22, 26, 41, 48 Read more...

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