Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

August 5, 2013 - August 11, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

A long or 'quiet talk' near the 5th can solve a plethora of problems, especially with parents, elders, in-laws, behavior problems/issues, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio or Taurus members. Others appear to 'support your cause/needs' without even ASKING near the 6th. Use patience the 7th to 'get what you want/need' and it comes much easier. Express your 'true feelings' the 9th if you want progress. Ward off impatience, restlessness or insecure feelings the 10th by asking Aries, Scorpio or Taurus for help, time, cooperation or by being willing to 'discuss money issues calmly' with any sign.

Love Horoscope

Romance may seem to 'intimidate' you this week and if you feel you are entering 'unfamiliar ground' at any time, do NOT press or push yourself to 'go there' if you feel you are not psychologically or emotionally 'ready'. Make sure you telegraph that 'need' properly to a partner so they do not misinterpret the 'space you are in'. You appear 'simply not ready' due to issues that have nothing to do with your 'true level of feelings'. Show them THIS; they'll get it right away. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A 'real friend' will understand almost any space you are in, limitation you feel you are under or impetus for any behavior or 'mental/emotional space' you encounter this week. You most likely HAVE no idea of the cause or any hint of the time frame this will last or effect. Don't try to 'over explain yourself'. Just tell them and if they don't get it, or they get 'their butt in the air' over it; they have a problem, you don't!

Career Highlights

Great tact and attention to professional detail and behavior is never a problem for you but it would be wise to keep it in the forefront of all dealings, each day, this week, especially the 5th and 9th. You can successfully bring projects down the road and to conclusion with patience, especially the 7th, when power people are supportive and scheduling is the most cooperative. Having to work the weekend is a possibility but 'wrapping things up' is a likely outcome from it.


Rather good

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Best if 'not burdened' with emotional or psychological demands.

Karma Numbers:

8, 11, 16, 31, 33

Buzz Words:

Plan and stick to it for best results.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Pisces

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by changes in your career objectives. Your skills are a valuable asset to any team on which you're a player. Hold off on making your report final until you have listened to others concerns. There will also be changes in your domestic affairs. A chance meeting will be the start of a fresh new relationship. Spend some quality time & realize how special you feel. Your entire outlook will be transformed. Gatherings may be heated, refuse to take sides in family disagreements. It'll only cause you to make bad feelings. Don't allow negative comments you hear to discourage your progress. Watch for opportunities that could soon become available to you. Take a moment to study the situation from all angles. Lucky Numbers: 9, 11, 27, 38, 39, 40 Read more...

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