Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

June 6, 2011 - June 12, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

It's all about the ability to fill the gap, recognize the need and head them off at the pass this week. You HAVE to be a 'step and a half ahead of them' or you'll stumble and stagger into confusion by the wayside, especially IF health issues demand time, attention AND money! A 'realistic decision' may be 'demanded' of you near the 6th to 8th, especially if Capricorn, Libra, Gemini, Taurus, Virgo or parents of ANY sign are involved. Travel, vehicles and 'problem solving long distance' are and/all likely/possible. Dealing with siblings, especially Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius over a wide variety of issues, chief among them health/healthcare, money, responsibility, property division and childcare is very likely. Remain calm and focused.

Love Horoscope

Romance does particularly well this week for Twins paired to other Twins, Libra, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries as cheerful attitudes prevail. Twins who 'meet new candidates' this week stand a VERY high likelihood of an impressive long run and a very good success rate. Many Gemini will receive SERIOUS proposals from next phase upgrades, let's move in together, outright marriage proposals and other types of invitations, including life long commitments of home ownership and procreation invitations. Enjoy...! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are very likely, even if you are NOT trying. Many Twins will join fraternal organizations this week and/or be 'brought into the circle' of groups, clubs and lose organizations with common bonds or causes. Whether there are 3 or 3 thousand of you, you'll be held together by the common thread of your passions, interests, pursuits, sports or hobbies. Heavy networking is indicated and easily will lead to several 'new dynamics'.

Career Highlights

The biggest and most thrilling expansion is likely this week, especially near the 6th and again near the 9/10th. Some Twins may have to 'work the weekend' OR, may find themselves schmoozing off site the later hours of the 10th into the 11th, especially in the AM hours the 11th. IF SO, this one goes very well, as power people are prone to favor you and give you ample time to 'show you talents' and network your ideas and abilities. Any Twins with 'a foot in two worlds' do very well this week. So if you work two jobs, speak two languages or have 'two options' of any kind; you profit BIG time!



Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Pumped and well directed.

Karma Numbers:

9, 17, 23, 51, 59, especially 1959 and those born in it.

Buzz Words:

Realistic decisions based on fact/s

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo and other Twins

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by the support you receive from an active partner. Pure facts and data are the currency of the moment. Colleagues are brimming with ideas for you. Digesting all of them, however, is a near impossibility. The trick is to sift through everything that comes your way and select just exactly what you need. The energy you feel will help you to reach your goals. It's vital that you don't promise the world to everyone. While this could help for the present, it may create complications for the future. Little mistakes are easier to correct before their consequences grow too big. You're still at the stage where you can have fun with this. You'll gain exceptional mental clarity & be able to learn concepts fast. Read more...

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