Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

September 24, 2012 - September 30, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show you pour tremendous effort, money, time and 'heart and soul' into the 24th to 26th and returns on your efforts appear VERY likely, especially with in-laws, elders, spouse, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Cancer or Pisces. Personal down time is highly likely near the 27th to 29th for many Twins, most likely due to emotional complications, frustration, unclear communications and muddled timing. Your vision can be 'blurred' by the swirling energies of the full moon the 29th.

Love Horoscope

Single Twins do show excellent promise near the day time hours of the 24th and the evening of the 25th but the rest of the week shows 'poor quality returns on efforts'. Romance appears to hold stable until the 28th when a disappointment or even a 'termination of some kind' becomes a POSSIBLE threat for a small cross section of you. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Some of you may be deciding to 'let a relationship slide' and/or 'give up' on someone or some 'level' of the ongoing status, possibly due to the full moon's energy OR, from being handed/passed some kind of 'bogus info' not to mention, mixed messages from UNCLEAR info. Ties to signs like Pisces, Cancer, Aries or Libra could becomes complicated enough to require intense focused attention to solve or manage.

Career Highlights

Some travel and/or dealing with issues 'a distance away' is likely, especially near the 26th to 29th and distractions due to fatigue, illness or some level of 'disability' is possible as we near the 28th; shake it off and push through. Double check your efforts near the 25/26th to avoid having to 'redo' as your stars show a hefty amount of that energy could 'Fall upon your shoulders'.


Fair to good.

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Prone to distraction

Karma Numbers:

2, 48, 49, 60, 69, including 19's '48, 49, 60 and 69 and those born in them.

Buzz Words:

Compatible Sign(s):

Pisces, Cancer, Aries.

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario brings a surplus of positive healing energy radiates within you, giving you beneficial moments when you find it easier to relieve yourself of personal or emotional upsets. You may feel relief by bringing certain issues out in the open at this time. This is a good time to search for the resources to resolve them.Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and solve problems in your home life. Read more...

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