Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

November 29, 2010 - December 5, 2010


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Small problems, annoying details, minor expenses that escalate, repairs, vehicles/travel and educational needs appear to dip into your 'tolerance budget' this week right way near the 30th and again the 3rd. Misbehaving youth or those who reflect 'verbal disrespect' may further shorten your fuse, especially near the 3/4th and if it comes from family instead of public personalities [rude clerks, fellow voyagers, dinners or customers and service people,] it can cut doubly deep.

Love Horoscope

This is NOT a productive week in romance and in fact, may be quite the opposite; you put out a great deal of effort invested into making an impression or 'fostering growth' and it could sadly either backfire or fizzle altogether. Be conservative with investments of time, effort, money AND heart. There appears to be a sweeping '180' break near mid day the 5th when you may be singing, "What A Difference A Day Makes." Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

There isn't much you will NOT do for a loyal friend or for one whom you feel you must support and/or 'return a favor' but make sure you stay within the bounds of both common sense and reasonability this week as 'false loyalties' may be afoot, especially near the 2nd to 4th. Share hobbies, sports and good times with pals during day time 'break breaking' and evening, 'reminiscing'.

Career Highlights

Keep the ball rolling once you have even a small 'budge' started the 29/30th. Things may seem to be going 'slow-mo' to you but any progress is GOOD progress this week. Chances are, several of you have lots of 'really long range plans' and projections that may include as short range as the week of 12/13 or as far out as June '11 to Feb '12. Many of these projects and goals stand a good chance of being 'as you envision' but if you DO NOT get them in the works or at least 'started technically' before the 10th, they could fizzle or pancake.


Promising, but mostly 'in theory'.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Inventive; visionary

Karma Numbers:

0, 1, 11, 30, 45

Buzz Words:

Address, fix, tweak, start and move on.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by intuitive feelings about domestic & personal changes. Don't become angry with family or friends. Listen to friends, their advice may be valuable. You will have to gauge your activities wisely, or exhaustion will result. Travel will be tiring and uneventful. Home entertaining could provide you with stimulating ideas, however expect your new acquaintances to be a little pushy at first. Don't be drawn into a questionable plan, gossip will only result in making you look bad. Domestic purchases will be profitable, you should be looking into real estate buys or a residential move. Get into self-improvement projects that will take your mind off your troubles. Necessary changes in your home environment may not seem welcome, but they will be favorable in the long run. Read more...

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