Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

April 25, 2011 - May 1, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

While your stars show no real 'out right challenges' the 25th to 27th, you may still have fatigue, minor illness/injury, mini-depressions or other hassles in your personal or professional life that require strong family support and understanding. Be sure you keep ALL members 'informed' on the same page and with a 'running commentary' each day! Communication is essential, establish a 'communication central' and use it! Emotions may get a bit sticky the 27/28th but appear to fix fast by the 29th. An enjoyable weekend is likely but WILL require work, expense and lots of it. IF you are planning gatherings or outings, get ready to place effort and expense foremost.

Love Horoscope

Romance may not do well for SOME Lions early in the week who could 'hit a wall' with some level of 'bad news' or betrayal in their current relationship status as it could take a hit, encounter temporary damage or show a 'threat' possibly in the form of 'an intruder' a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius or Cancer. Ride it out and don't let your pride separate you from a good thing. First, establish if any real lines have been crossed and if NOT, proceed from there and fix it. IF they have, seek a pro and take it from where your soul needs to go, not your pride. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Violations MAY unfold in friendship this week instead of love life but even the 'love' of friendship can take 'hit' as it too is 'love' in a different form. IF you encounter any form of betrayal, deal with it based upon the facts at hand that can be proven and not by the 'reaction' of your pride. Give yourself time to cool down, sleep on it and then proceed from there. Time is your REAL best friend this week.

Career Highlights

Time can be your friend in CAREER too this week but it appears to be more like 'timing' and not so much taking an amount of time. Favorable trends the 25/26th and high rates of cooperation, especially in finances, big deals and incoming flux of cash may allow you to do things at a pace a bit more brisk than normal. Roll the dice and 'take a chance' making 'big changes' the 27th as 'power is on your side' and there may be a second phase of the same 'chance taking' the 1st. In either/both cases, you stand to do very well! Done right, this can be a real 'RED LETTER' week!


Promising, BIG time!

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Up for 'something new'

Karma Numbers:

2, 5, 9, 15, 25

Buzz Words:

The 'bigger' the 'better' when it comes to change. REVAMP

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by strong feelings that may obscure your vision. Dwelling on your personal problems will only distract you from the task at hand. Your greatest inspiration comes from taking everything personally. You have a lot to gain by maintaining control of your emotions. An affair of the heart could move toward heartbreak. You still have time to save it, but do you really want to? You will have to be accountable for your actions. Choose your words wisely, as the consequences of what you say will be great. Approach others with love as they work through their own discomfort. If a break from routine would add to the healing, cancel your scheduled plans for late in the week & do something different. Read more...

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