Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

February 3, 2014 - February 9, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show a LOT is 'given, awarded, thrust, dumped and brought' to you the 3rd through 4th and it may be 'one thing after another' in a variety of jobs, responsibilities, requests, needs, demands and 'hopes' of/from members, especially any 'needy, vulnerable, elderly or those who occupy the central focus' of the family typically. An old problem may surface near the 5th into 7th, particularly if it involves money and appears to be solved by the AM of the 9th. A long talk the 7th may escalate later in the day and become complicated confusing or misleading, most likely due to Mercury retrograde and may NOT solve quickly, especially IF Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini or Taurus is involved.

Love Horoscope

This can be a very productive week for 'status upgrade' OR 'status launch' for singles or paired Lions, particularly IF they are paired to Leo, Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or Taurus. Mending fences is also likely and once/if mended, tend to stay so for 'a rather long time'. For singles, this can be a 'red letter week'. Just make sure you communicate with clear, obvious intentions after the 6th, when Mercury goes retrograde. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Several invitations are likely this week, starting with the 4th, which may be last minute and appears to be a great deal of fun/enjoyment, especially if Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, other Lions or Libra is doing the inviting. Shared events/hobbies tend to be a bit 'costly' the 5th to 7th and you may want to think 'affordability' first before agreeing! After the 7th, it appears to be 'fun on a budget' just make sure you discuss FIRST before engaging who pays for what! Otherwise; awkward...!

Career Highlights

Talk about the potential for 'awkward' energy! This whole work week appears to be moving toward a typical 'uncomfortable' situation of some kind that MUST be avoided the 7th into 8th! Make sure you are on the same page with power people, HAVE permission, cleared anything unusual, have crunched the numbers and double checked ANY 'financial involvements' and have been 'totally clear' with communications, especially the 6th into 7th and particularly IF you are doing ANY kind of 'co venture' especially with Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces or Virgo.


Rather promising but there IS room for 'mistakes' mostly wrought through 'misunderstandings' or LACK of accurate info!

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Organized and very 'responsible'.

Karma Numbers:

5, 9, 45, 51, 59, including 1959

Buzz Words:

Better SAFE than 'sorry'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo, Aries.

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to conserve your energy for important tasks to structure new public and career projects. Investments and gambles may not pay off. If you've recently been disappointed in romance, felt abandoned, you may act in a way that you'll regret later. Organizational discussions may not go well, either. You may be tempted to say some things you'll wish you hadn't. Be objective and try to understand how others might react to your actions. Show your compassion and utilize your sense of humor. Persevere in the face of apparently overwhelming odds. Show your confidence & value yourself and your ability to achieve. These projects may demand that you pay more attention to details and technique. Be ready to work hard for a big payoff. With a little adjustment, your goals may still be possible. A lucky break won't do you much good if you're unprepared to act on it. Plan ahead! Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 18, 20, 30, 40 Read more...

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