Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

May 6, 2019 - May 12, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 6th seems to be all about communications with several different types of communications, flying in and out of the house all day long, via electronic media, phone, word of mouth and every kind you can imagine. Keeping communication straight and information not convoluted will be a very challenging thing indeed. Make sure everyone telegraph's their information to each other properly. Double-checking is always wise.

Tuesday the 7th is another demanding day but in a totally different way, as things seem to be more fluid, they also are more external and outside of the house, as errands need to be run and people seem to be everywhere all over the planet.

Wednesday the 8th try to get everyone's on the same page using discipline and guidance, which may be necessary from you to make sure that the day is spent expeditiously and that costs are down and economy is the word of the day. Only you can insure this with your special plans and structure.

Thursday the 9th indications are for great ease and your ability to communicate with members seems richly rewarding and humor and relaxation are the words of the day.

Friday the 10th, as the moon slips into Leo. It may not be as relaxing as it was on prior days, as indications are demands on your time or more harsh and frequent interruptions and distractions are plentiful. You may have a headache by the time the sun sets and exhaustion would not be out of the question either. Some of it may come from your work a day world and some of it may come from the demands of the day.

Saturday is an excellent day and you are refreshed, relaxed and ready to roll your sleeves up and dive into what appears to be a highly productive day. But do not force an issue near sunset.

Sunday is a quality day with excellent aspects and nothing but cheerful attitudes all day long.

Love Horoscope

Talk about your hot home run: every Lion seems to get a piece of this action, even retired ones 'have a chance' to make a move but the window may be 'moments long' and if you snooze, you lose. Upgrades go very well, especially the 7th and 8th/9th -- mending is excellent the 12th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Invitations are very likely, especially near the 8th to 10th and asking to host or being 'thrust in charge' of something is very likely, particularly if there is a 'lot of talking, researching or directing' involved. Doing 'summer stock' are we? Careful not to let pals and hobbies 'gobble up your life'.

Career Highlights

This is a very big week for many Lions of all ages, especially those born mid 1940's to mid to later 1950's and 1970's to mid 80's it can be a 'last chance' for some of you. Older Lions find employment and younger ones who are 'seeking establishment' get the chance to 'showcase' the 8th to 10th but do not 'show off'... just show case.


Can be 'exceptional' especially in 'bringing together past plans' which 'finally work out'.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

6, 11, 13, 45, 60

Buzz Words:

Control and 'channel' or 'direct'... all your energies and impulses; as they happen.

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, other Leo, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to work quietly behind the scenes for the best results. You have many opportunities to communicate with friends or groups who value what you have to offer. Reach out for optimistic conclusions to group activities. You can sell anyone anything if you try. Do not try to lure people to your side. Use methods that are clear and concise. Sensitivity is the key word for all negotiations and discussions about land, home, and property. Family members may be very vulnerable right now and need more of your attention than usual. You present a strong public image and could take on greater responsibilities with your work. Put all the cards on the table and be willing to walk away if others don't come around to your way of thinking. Be sure you're in the right before you do so, however. Then you'll be able to reveal the plans you've been working on. Life should seem easier within a few days, allowing you to show your charm and ability to negotiate new deals. Lucky Numbers: 28, 33, 34, 42, 44, 48 Read more...

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