Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

September 23, 2019 - September 29, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 23rd the sun changes signs and that always means and uncomfortable fit for you so some of you may notice Monday seems to be a little bit on the dragging side as you struggle to fit into the new energy of the Sun in Libra but a quick adaptation is indicated for the lion's share of you.

Tuesday the 24th you can gain through more work if you put on the steam and keep rolling through your day.

Wednesday the 25th you're in charge of a great many things whether you like it or not and there are those who will run to you for answers, solutions and the right direction in which to move. Regardless of your station in life you may be surprised at how much you are sought out. The 26th indications are that you have a very relaxing day with much less on your plate than you had the day before. Spending may become an issue later in the day as it goes on the rise sharply and you will need to make wise decisions to ensure you do not overspend or dive into your wallet to deeply.

Friday the 27th it's the little things that will make a problem for you and trip you up. Pay attention to the small details, bottom line and fine print and go over everything twice. Make sure you finish everything you start and do not leave anything into tomorrow or next week if you can help it.

Saturday the 28th new beginnings, new projects and a total new outlook on life may hit in for a hefty cross-section of you as you turn your back on the struggles of the entire week and take a fresh perspective look at your life now. It's a very productive and relaxing day.

Sunday 29th you rebelled against self-interest and turn your attention towards the accomplishments of the betterment of those around you. "Mother-henning" and other types of care taking appear to be important to you for one reason or another. It is a very good day.

Love Horoscope

Romance does best if you use caution in any of, your approach/s near the more emotionally treacherous times of the 24th to 27th, especially with the moon transiting the 4th quarter, when money discussions may go astray and quickly; zip the lip on cash and any, financial plans or no-no's. A decision of some kind may be required the 26th/27th that appears deeply personal and may touch off some area/s of your romantic dynamics [old or new] for a reasonable cross section of you and for a lengthy time; looks like the 25th/26th are big on that one. Resolution or inauguration of any kind flies best the 28th so use it for your more important moves, choices or discussions. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are indicated near the 24th/25th and old ones appears to really need you big time the 26th/27th in what may be an almost karmic reversal of situations that are almost reflective or similar in some way. If you bite into this other side of the coin energy, be sure to balance, equalize and replay any karma that is banked.

Career Highlights

Any kind of ventures, especially co-ventures [now that the sun is in Libra, the house of partnerships!] tend to go very well near the 23rd and show excellent profit and cooperation potential, especially if Libra, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, other Lions, Aries or Sagittarius are involved. Some travel is very likely and if it hits in near the 25th, relates to the 27th to 29th in any way it may signal omens of epic proportion/s. Handle this one right and you may see big things as soon as the 30th/31st.


Very promising!

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Strong, willful and well directed

Karma Numbers:

6, 8, 9, 11, 99, including 1999

Buzz Words:

Trust your gut.

Compatible Sign(s):

Libra, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by you feeling that this is a time to take a serious look at yourself. You can see things objectively with an eye towards making concrete changes. Others may perceive you as reliable, but you need to be very careful and patient in what you say. You seek deep involvement with family members and loved ones now. You feel compassionate toward your mate or children and have the desire to help them alleviate their fears or worries. During this period, you can offer the people you care about emotional support and inspirational love without requiring them to reciprocate in return. Your thoughts turn toward extending yourself to others who are disadvantaged or suffering hardship. Volunteer or charity work in hospitals or institutions is favorable at this time. Read more...

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