Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

May 9, 2011 - May 15, 2011


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You always ground and organize, like it was your mission in life and you keep everyone 'harmonious and happy'. Your idealism is infectious and you always spread music, art and beauty wherever you go. Bring it to THEM this week like you always do and even if you feel they are not listening or appreciating, 'set the stage, create the atmosphere and surround them with it' nonetheless as it WILL pay off, 'in the long run'. Your drive for 'more beauty' seems almost overwhelming the 9th RIGHT through to the 12th and it is coming STRAIGHT down from the cosmos and its higher, shimmering bands of energy right to YOU; draw it in and use it as it can feed your soul and be useful for you in anything from refreshing you to helping fulfill your creative juices to take into your career life! "Sharing" has always been your life's motto; don't stop now! The universe is watching!

Love Horoscope

A 'reward' may have recently come to you 'in a typical or even unusual form' and more love, more joy and more fulfillment may yet be on its way to you and there seem to be yet another 'phase or step' in that ongoing process indicated in your stars coming from the cosmos. For many Scales this 'ordained' gift is continuing to filter down and more happiness, joy, romance, love and enhanced life energy is ALL a 'part of it'. This week, especially near the 9th to 12th, there is 'another download' and it can take any form from a 'replenishing' to an outright person or thing. Watch for it in omen or 'real' form. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A new friend may be part of the 'ongoing gifting from the cosmos' or a reconnection with an old pal may unfold this week OR, you simply may find some good quality time with your current network of friends to connect and 'catch up' especially near the 9th, and again the 13th to 15th. Spending may have to go on the rise, especially IF hobbies are involved. Good shopping karma is likely near the 11/12th and bargains appear to be 'rock bottom' with 'just right items' taking the spotlight.

Career Highlights

Bosses, power people, big clients and 'new connections' all seem to favor you and your ideas the 9th to 11th and expansion is indicated along with some 'new contacts' and good potential for expansion of territory. Foreign connections may be involved and travel or invitations to/from travel/ers are possible. Having to deal with facts, figures, amounts, commodities and numbers are likely the 12/13th, as is 'working late/long hours' with a minor misunderstanding possibly the AM of the 13th that could cause a delay or set back; shake it off, fix it and move on without making 'much of it' at the time.


VERY good

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Feeling a big 'over whelmed at times' but 'all doable'.

Karma Numbers:

4, 8, 19, 48, 89, especially 1989

Buzz Words:

Gifted and often

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by new circumstances that come about through the auspices of friends, groups and organizations. You may have some visions or dreams that are suddenly recognized as ideal situations. Be willing to work through any fear and take some risks with international projects, travel plans and financial opportunities. Look for the silver lining. Secret love and artistic projects keep you singing and walking on air. The world looks bright and beautiful, investments will begin to pay off. Love will conquer all. You may be tempted to let some things slide. Just be sure you don't think you're being so clever and get caught in a trap of your own making. If a co-worker is behaving in an unseemly manner, you may only look foolish if you try to point a finger. Let go and stay on your own path of conduct. The truth will come out and you'll look like the good guy in the long run. Read more...

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