Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

January 21, 2013 - January 27, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show you have extra work heaped upon you the 21st to 23rd and for some of you it will come in through either career or family duty and for a small cross section of you; it may be BOTH at one time! Delegate out duty/chores wherever you can and be seen as 'high profile and hands on' in whatever it is you're needed for. Be discerning about a discipline and/or communication later on the 22nd and again on the 26th. The 'feelings of another' may be affected more than is seen on the surface or at the time.

Love Horoscope

Romance needs a close, discerning eye the 22nd and 'room to breath' the 24th, especially if paired to Gemini, Cancer, Virgo or Aquarius the 22nd and Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Cancer or other Scales near the one on the 24th. Upgrades are likely but 'trying too hard' to get a love interest to commit the 25th may be a big mistake! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Run your ideas, needs and feelings past a good and trusted friend, especially those that may be pressing you into acting near the 25th to 27th. The full moon may have you 'in a mood' and if you do or say the wrong thing, you may suffer a setback with another pal, a coworker or a love interest.

Career Highlights

A great deal may be expected of you the 21st to 23rd but do not be too quick to act or trust the 22nd as there may be 'more beneath the surface' on this one than you realize. Let it 'play out' first before involving yourself. Problems with coworkers or someone 'taking things the wrong way' is a viable threat near the 21st to 23rd and the 22nd is smack in the middle of that. Power people tend to favor you the 24/25th and if you work the weekend, the 27th also.


Somewhat demanding, but many good 'investments' and choices may pay off and soon.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 9, 13, 39

Buzz Words:

Willing, but not to 'excess'.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by disappointments with friends, lovers, or people in general are likely. You are hypersensitive and need much affection, tenderness, and love, but are not actively asking for it. Others' callousness, clumsiness, or heartlessness affect you more than usual, and you are rather unrealistic in your hopes and expectations of them. You may also be overly adaptable and accommodating in your relationships at this time, enabling others to continue in their bad habits or to take advantage of your unconditional support. Avoid creating relationships based on mutual weakness and dependency or, worse, on deception and hiding. Scandalous behavior which you more or less passively allow to happen should be guarded against. Read more...

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