Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

September 16, 2013 - September 22, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You clearly want 'more artistic and aesthetic surroundings' this week and your efforts and attempts to hike spending and enhance your surrounds may become apparent the 16th as you 'spruce' up your domestic or family life and try to 'infect' others with your charm and lighthearted cheer. IF they don't go along with it 'do your own thing'. By the 18/19th you may find they've caught on and are joining in! A fun gathering may be planned for the 21/22nd and it appears to be exciting but no where NEAR as exciting as all the things you may find for it the 19/20th, as your stars show some kind of 'hot bargains, just right items, beautiful finds and enhancements for body and domestic scene'. Wow! Enjoy!

Love Horoscope

Romance is THE HOT SPOT this week in your stars. The Universe has a surprise for YOU! An unexpected crack at a 'cherished wish' the 16th is likely so 'be careful what you ask for out loud' as you just MAY 'get it!' ..All you have to do is step outside under the stars around 2 to 3 hours after sunset in your part of the world; clouds or rain, stars or moon; no matter; just make your wish. Use both the 16th itself AND the full moon on the 19th as both are known for 'getting your message through to the Cosmos' this week! Shout it, whisper it or just 'say it' but say it "out loud"... You are NOT allowed to ask for a million dollars or for nasty things to happen to others, but anything reasonable is allow from employment to love or for a troublesome 'challenge to be removed from your life'. It's up to the Universe from there on as to the yes or no, if or when and the how. THEN, as if that were not enough, there is another window the 21st where 'romantic happiness and calm' are 'descending down' from the cosmos, almost like a 'free-be gift' given to each of you 'on some level' in STATUS 'old or new' and improvements of all kinds fall into this category! Enjoy again! LUCKY SCALES! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Deepening of ties as closer connections are made with pals OLD or new are likely this week, especially between you and signs like Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, other Scales, Cancer and Taurus. Repairs of old damaged 'relationships' is also likely, along with the 'quelling' of 'troublesome issues' that WERE between you and another, especially Scorpio, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini or Aries. Friends MAY 'turn into lovers' for some single Scales and almost anything else is possible this week as love energies abound and 'deeper/closer' become buzz words though the week.

Career Highlights

Hearing good news and/or getting good news, even if it is only in an 'omen form' is highly likely, especially near the 16th, 18th and again the 20th. Some Scales may get upgrades and expanded positions that include new responsibilities, pay grade increases and other types of 'career goodies' just 'handed to them' this week OR, they may 'catch wind of it' near these days. Any form of info, even 'lose gossip' while I seldom condone it, may be a reliable source of info this week. There is also a chance that news 'from a while ago' finally filters down NOW and 'hits in' as well as the fact that 'good news' upgrades, compliments or praise may be 'discussed now' and you are NOT 'informed of it' until after 9/23, but happens NOW.


Rather good, especially near the 18th and after the 20th.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Insightful and creative

Karma Numbers:

0, 2, 9, 11, 99

Buzz Words:

More closeness

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Sagittarius

Weekly Overview

Take a risk and reach out for new companionship. Get ready for some serious sit-down negotiations now. It's vital that you know what you want before the discussion begins. You don't want to be with some hardheaded person who is going to bully you. Your best protection is preparation. If possible, rehearse. This allows you to consider all the possibilities, rather than have to deal with them on the spot. Lucky Numbers: 8, 16, 22, 24, 34, 44 Read more...

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