Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

September 16, 2013 - September 22, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Small bickering may require sorting, soothing, solving and some 'one on one sunshine up the butt' big time the 16th, especially with Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces or Scorpio members. Keep youth calm and placated until you 'decide' which may require some 'stalling' on your part. The full moon on the 19th may require you to keep your patience in place but it WILL 'drain the crap out of you' and the fatigue, irritation and vulnerabilities that follow will be genuine. Minor illness/injury can include digestive, low back, skin, sun exposure, dehydration, med mistakes, eyes, drop/break, money mistakes, slip/fall and backing up or vehicle speed fines/issues. Most Twins who DO succumb to this one will find that it lifts by the 19/20th and the business of spending, errands and getting back to normal falls into place quickly. An enjoyable communication is likely near the 21/22nd as visitors AND travel is possible.

Love Horoscope

Romance does not do well until we reach the 20th when communication improves. There is a chance a hefty cross section of Twins may fall victim to the confusion and nebulous info the full moon provides the 18th to 20th and it may take a few days for some situations or personalities to work up the gumption to sort of 'clear things up' especially signs indicated, like Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Leo, Cancer and other Gemini, who have a history of 'sitting on their hands' over emotional issues. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Your friends appear very busy this week and there may be a lot of 'back and forth' with high activity levels indicated near the 18th to 22nd. You may NOT be in the mood for much, however, the 16th to 19th, depending upon the emotional status in your life and your physical well-being. Bow out of any 'questionable invitations' if you do not feel up to it OR, if they appear 'too costly' at the time in terms of both money AND effort!

Career Highlights

Your career is precious to you, especially with the right 'image and impression you make' [or do NOT make!] -- and the ripples on the pond that carry out to Mr. Big AND the community at large are essential to you! Your stars show an impressive 'much higher drive' beginning in your psyche the 16th, whether you are aware of it or NOT, to 'enhance your current image and standing' to become more articulate, impressive and to beef up that network, social standing and reputation and carrying OVER into the full moon the 19th and not 'backing OFF' until the 21st! You most likely WILL NOT be able to begin a 'hands on' effort until Nov 1st but you CAN do a lot of set up and ground work now, starting this week. Start to 'formulate mentally:' scan your wardrobe, assess your circle of associates, start a personal fitness/health regime or check into other types of training programs and off site 'extras' like schmoozing to advance your 'circle of friends/influence'.


Can be very good

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

Vulnerable at times but 'constructive' otherwise, especially on a deeply 'personal level' when dealing 'with the self'.

Karma Numbers:

2, showing up often, especially doubled within other numbers; follow these to profit, 5, 11, 16, 47

Buzz Words:

Avoid 'unkind' rude or demanding people; as you may be 'associated with them or their behavior

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Libra

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by an interesting change of plans. Unfinished business may distract your focus. Someone can appear reasonable and attractive one minute, then just the opposite a moment later. For the short run, though, enjoy playing with the different people, feelings and situations that are likely to arrive in your life now. You may receive invitations to social events. Take the time to express your views publicly & your plans will become crystal clear. Your universal appeal will help to make your dreams come true. If you go with the flow & you'll gain recognition for your sensitivity & down to earth approach. Don't be afraid to tell your story, you'll find out who cares and who doesn't. You need loyal allies now, the weak need not apply. You'll be able to use these opportunities to further promote your interests in business. Revive your goal to succeed in life with happiness & contentment. Lucky Numbers: 23, 24, 36, 37, 39, 4 Read more...

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