Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

March 3, 2014 - March 9, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may have to 'fight or struggle' through some challenges the 3/4th but it WILL be worth the spending, investments, arguments or even long hours/effort to 'lead them in the right direction/s'. Signs like Aries, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces may NOT be the most cooperative but 'stand your ground' for 'their and everyone's own good'. An enjoyable weekend is indicated and gatherings may include siblings, cousins, in-laws and concerns of spouse.

Love Horoscope

This is a rather 'telling week' for the Scale as it may be a clear 'tip off' to what you can expect out of both mid Spring AND early Fall! IF things go well 'generally over all' even if there ARE no 'real problems to speak of' THAT can be an omen or indication your year will be 'very good' and flow nicely overall in love/romance! This applies to BOTH single and paired Scales. IF you are 'single, lonely and have NOTHING on the horizon' that may NOT be the case by/before October or November of '14. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Being misunderstood or 'hitting a wall' with a pal IS a viable threat for Libra this week and the biggest cross section OF you that may HIT this one, will MOST likely do so ON OR NEAR the 4th; give or take 12 hours on either side. IF you miss it; then you'll be in the group that misses this one! Thank your lucky stars! But what you MAY easily 'run into' is a fellow Scale who was NOT so lucky! Be there for ANY 'other Libra' who lives life minus the benefits of this site! Invitations, enjoyable gatherings and lots of 'last minute' excitement appears to fill THE REST of the week for most of you!

Career Highlights

There MAY be mistakes the AM of the 3rd so 'double check' everything and STAND over important projects and 'see to it yourself' for the most part. Several of you will most likely have HUGE opportunities hit in the 3rd into 4th and be given assignments that MAY look demanding and 'labor intensive' at the TIME but likely 'hide a great deal of opportunities' to 'showcase' some where in it. Some of you will be asked to speak, explain or 'present' near the 5th or 7th; but beware of the mid to later afternoon hours of the 6th should you FIND yourself 'in the spotlight' for ANY reason; make sure you have your facts and that you are FOCUSED 110%


Slightly demanding but good.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Slightly demanding but good.

Karma Numbers:

0, 1, 11, 22, 30

Buzz Words:

A 'good start' is worth more than a 'showy finish'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Scorpio, Capricorn, Gemini

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork & compromise. Anyone who interacts with you will find you not only delightful company, but a great teammate as well. You exude good feelings and you are sensitive to the needs of others. This general atmosphere spills over into your private life. You will find a warm and welcoming mate or romantic partner at the end of the week. Plan to spend the week-end, just the two of you, totally reveling in each other's company. Something you have in mind, perhaps an old idea about redoing your space, may be a snare and a delusion. For one thing, cash may not be flowing too freely. For another, your significant other may have plans for investing rather than spending what you have. 7, 12, 23, 34, 44, 48 Read more...

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