Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

September 9, 2013 - September 15, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Play some kind of, "Beat The Clock" and push for all you can the 9th to 11th, even though MANY Pisces personalities are VERY 'uncomfortable' with any kind of manufactured 'push, press or forceful' energy, which likely makes them feel, "like a Fish out of Water". Your stars show some possible hefty 'down time' may hit in for you near the 12th to 14th and you'll have to 'give it all you've got or go above and beyond' in some capacity. Risking IS part of the week and at the VERY LEAST, a hefty cross section of you may be called upon to 'invest greatly' in terms of time, effort, MON$Y or reputation. A 'great need to delegate out duty' may surface the 11th, could lead to travel and may involve or inspire members to "pick up the slack" for what may be a huge opportunity that YOU need some, "free time" for and "NOW". A mistake is possible IF you're juggling to solve or even 'investing' emotional/physical energies into some 'big project, person or member' especially youth of any sign, Scorpio, Cancer, other Fish, Aquarius or Sagittarius. Just "struggle through it" push on and don't 'give up trying'.

Love Horoscope

Romance must be handled with great care this week so as not to 'send out the WRONG message' especially near the 9th, when the Aquarius Year starts its 'second half' adds complications under the full moon the 19th and may have you being or feeling 'ambivalent' with some of your motives misinterpreted, particularly the 12th, when you're distracted and mid day the 13th to the 14th when once again you appear distracted and AGAIN the 15th when actions you make may be 'misinterpreted;' all of which appear to be 'leading up to the 19th and the full moon. The moon WILL BE in Pisces the 17th to 19th and THAT combo in a 'string of days' may lead to an 'over full plate'. Get as MUCH done, processed, paid for or started THIS week to avoid an unfortunate 'build up' or 'clash in timing' NEXT WEEK! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Your pals may RUSH to your side the 11th to 14th in an attempt to help you direct your efforts, appear stable in career and even lend you a hand with projects; personal or career, that have you feeling or being somewhat if not 'rather overwhelmed' until you appear to 'get a handle on it' near the 15th, possibly from help contributed by pals like Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio, who appear to be THE more/most helpful, in some cases 'without even knowing they are OR, trying to be!'

Career Highlights

Focus on the bottom line and details the 9th as it may 'hide' things from you until late into the day. Be clear and concise. Avoid personal emotions, feelings and opinions around power people the 10th and 'separate church and state' BIG TIME; BIG — TIME! Be 'self driven' the 11th. Try to follow through and finish and do NOT trust your ESP the 12th. Likely, you will be creative and powerful the 13th and with it being 'Friday the 13th' it may prove to bring you 'excellent good fortune' as others likely perceive it as, "your good luck" that this or that happened the WAY it did! Effects OF your 'accomplishments' at this time are likely to be VERY 'far reaching'.


About to improve BIG time

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

NOT to be trusted; check facts and believe only what you can 'see, hear, prove and touch'.

Karma Numbers:

2, 11, 13, 34, 51

Buzz Words:

Follow through and 'finish'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario may be a little off due to your lack of people skills. Your ready smile and openness to everyone may escape you now. Try to reduce your social & professional obligations. Get as much work done, alone, as you can. This is not a permanent hermit condition, just a little time of needed time off, time away from other human beings. You can love people, but you don't need to be with them, all of the time. You could reveal a secret, or someone else could spill the beans about you. In either case, discretion would be a wise course to take. There's just one more secret that needs to come out, or one more piece of unpleasant business to finish before you're back to feeling like your old self. In spite of your highest ideals, you have human stuff to deal with. By the end of the week, the pendulum should be swinging back in your direction. The old groove will return, and you should be able to play with the best of 'em. Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 21, 24, 47, 48 Read more...

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